What Kamma is

by Sayadaw U Thittila | 1996 | 4,604 words

"According to the seed that's sown, So is the fruit ye reap therefrom. Doer of good will gather good, Doer of evil, evil reaps, Sown is the seed, and thou shalt taste The fruit thereof" Buddha - Samyutta Nikaya Sukhi Hotu Sdn Bhd (#FREE001/1996) Printed By Unique, Penang, 1998...

Kamma 2 - World Of Desires

Moral Kamma Which Produces Its Effect In The Plane Of The World Of Desires

2. Good Kamma which produces its effect in the plane of desires:

There are ten moral actions - namely generosity (Dana), morality (Sila), meditation (Bhavana), reverence (Apacayana), service (Veyyavacca), transference of merit (Pattidana), rejoicing in others’ merit (Pattanumodana), hearing the doctrine (Dhammasavana), expounding the doctrine (Dhammadesana), and forming correct views (Ditthijukamma).

Generosity yields wealth. Morality causes one to be born in noble families in states of happiness.  Meditation gives birth in form and formless planes and helps to gain Higher Knowledge and Emancipation.

Reverence is the cause of noble parentage.  Service is the cause of large retinue. Transference of merit causes one to be able to give in abundance in future birth. Rejoicing in others’ merit is productive of joy wherever one is born. Both hearing and expounding the Doctrine are conducive to wisdom.

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