The Great Chariot
by Longchenpa | 268,580 words
A Commentary on Great Perfection: The Nature of Mind, Easer of Weariness In Sanskrit the title is ‘Mahāsandhi-cittā-visranta-vṛtti-mahāratha-nāma’. In Tibetan ‘rDzogs pa chen po sems nyid ngal gso’i shing rta chen po shes bya ba ’...
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Part 1b.1g - As for the divisions of the individual aspects
The intrinsic awareness of form consists of the four dhyana states.
These remain within the alaya consciousness.
Though sometimes there is a subtle awareness that grasps at objects,
By cultivating samadhi, this mostly does not occur.
At the time of the actual dhyanas, each one has its own non-thought as the principal thing. Conceptions of objects are dormant and exist as a retinue. The first, second, and third dhyanas have faults of conception, analysis, and a feeling of concentrated joy. Up to the fourth some abide there with the three bases of sentient beings, death, transmigration, and the chance to listen to the Dharma.[1]
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