Sūtra of the Great Vow of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva

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The Sūtra of the Great Vow of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva (Kṣitigarbha Sūtra) is a story about the Buddha teaching to his mother in the Palace of Trāyastriṃśa Heaven about the merits of Kṣitigarbha. It was translated into Chinese, assumedly from Sanskrit, by the monk Śiksānanda from Khotan circa 700....

Chapter 4 - Karmic Retribution for Beings in Jambudvīpa



At that time Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva spoke to the Buddha, “World Honored One! I used the mighty divine powers of the Tathāgata to be simultaneously in trillions of worlds to save sentient beings from their karma. If it were not for the great compassionat power of the Tathāgata I would not have been able to perform this transformation. The Buddha has entrusted me until Ajita becomes a Buddha to save sentient beings in the Six Realms. I will do this personally. I hope that the World Honored One will not worry about it.”


The Buddha told Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, “All sentient beings that are not yet liberated have natures and consciousness that are not fixed. Bad habits have results and virtuous habits have results. Whether good or bad depends on the circumstances that they were produced in. They revolve on the Five Realms without a break. Going through kalpas as numerous as grains of dust they are confused by obstacles and difficulties. Like a fish swimming into a net in a long stream it escapes temporarily only to be caught again in another net. For that reason I worry about these people. However, since you have already made a vow and renewed it over the kalpas to save many sinners over many lifetimes, why should I worry?”


After these words were spoken one bodhisattva named Samādhi Self-Mastery King from amongst the congregation asked the Buddha, “What vow did Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva make so many kalpas ago that has led you to praise him so greatly today? I hope that the World Honored One can tell us briefly.”


The Buddha said to Samādhi Self-Mastery King Bodhisattva, “Listen attentively! Listen attentively and think carefully about all that I going to explain to you. Long ago, an innumerable asamkhyeya nayuta unimaginable number kalpa in the past there was a Buddha called All-Knowledge-Accomplished Tathāgata. He had the epithets Worthy One, Knower of the world, Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct, Immaculately Departed One, Unsurpassed One, Tamer, Teacher of Devas and Human Beings, Buddha, and World Honored One. He had a live span of sixty thousand kalpas.


“Before he left home he was the king of a small country. Together with the king of a neighboring country he practiced the ten virtues for the benefit of all sentient beings. The people in the neighboring country performed many unwholesome acts. The two kings discussed plans for many different skillful means. One king made a vow to first become a Buddha and then to save all the people, without exception. The other king made a vow that if he did not first save the beings from the suffering due to their guilt leading them to peace and happiness then he would not obtain enlightenment. Only after that would be become a Buddha.”


The Buddha said to Samādhi Self-Mastery King Bodhisattva, “The king that made a vow to first become a Buddha is All-Knowledge-Accomplished Tathāgata. The king that made a vow to save sentient beings who had sinned from suffering for a long period is Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva.”


“Moreover, in the past, an immeasurable number of asankhyeya kalpas ago a Buddha called Pure Lotus Eyes Tathāgata was born. The Buddha had a life span of forty kalpas. In his Period of Semblance Dhárma there was an Arhat who virtuously saved sentient beings. When the Arhat was educating and cultivating people he met a woman called Bright Eyes who was making food offerings.


“The Arhat asked her, 'What do you wish for?'


“Bright Eyes replied, 'On the day that my mother died I used merit to save her but I do not know where she is now.'


“The Arhat sympathized with her and entered meditation to find the answer. He saw that Bright Eye's mother had fallen an evil rebirth and was suffering terribly. The Arhat asked Bright Eye's, 'What did your mother do while she was alive? Presently, she is living in an evil rebirth and suffering terribly.'


“Bright Eyes replied, 'My mother's only customs were to eat fish and turtle. She especially indulged in eating fish and turtle eggs, either fried or boiled. Those account for tens of millions of lives. Honored sir, please sympathize. How can I save her?'


“The Arhat sympathized with her. As a skillful means he advised Bright Eyes saying, 'You can sincerely recite the name of Pure Lotus Eyes Tathāgata and sculpt and paint images of him for the benefit of the living and the dead.'


“After she heard this Bright Eyes gave up all that she loved, had images of the Buddha made, and gave offerings. Again with deferential respect she worshipped him and wept. Suddenly, later that night she had a dream about a Buddha with a golden body that shined like Mount Sumeru, large and bright. He said to Bright Eyes, 'Shortly your mother will be reborn in your household. When feeling hungry and cold he will speak.'


“After that a servant girl in her household had a son. After not even three days the baby talked. He bowed and weeped with grief saying to Bright Eyes, 'We suffer karmic results [vipāka] ourselves for the karma that we create during our lives. I was your mother. I was in a dark place for a long time. Since I left you I repeatedly fell into a great hell. Now I have received strength from your virtue and am able to be reborn again. However, it is as a lowly person with a lifespan of only thirteen years and then to fall into an evil rebirth again. Do you have any idea for me that can lead me to escape this?'


“Bright Eyes heard what was said and had no doubt that it was her mother. Choking with tears and weeping bitterly she said to the servant girl's son, 'Since you are my mother you should know your sins. What actions caused you to fall into an evil rebirth?'


“The servant girl's son said, 'I am suffering retribution due to the two karmas of killing and slandering. If it were not for your virtue saving me from this difficulty I would not be able to escape my karma.'


“Bright Eyes asked, 'What is retribution in Hell like?'


“The servant girl's son said, 'I cannot bear to describe it. Hundreds of thousands of years is not enough to describe to suffering.'


“After hearing this Bright Eyes cried and wailed saying to the sky, 'I wish that my mother will always be free from hell and not commit any serious wrongdoing in her thirteen years of life and will not be born into an evil rebirth. Buddhas of the Ten Directions, have pity on me. Listen to the great vow that I take for my mother's sake. If my mother can forever be free of the three evil rebirths, rebirths in a low class, or in the form of a woman's body, in the eternity to come. I take this vow from today on in front of the image of Pure Lotus Eyes Tathāgata for trillions of kalpas to come I will save all sentient beings who suffer in all the worlds and the Three Lower Realms, including Hell. I will lead them away from Hell, from the Animal Realm, and from the Hungry Ghost Realm. Only after all the people suffering from retribution and they become Buddhas will I attain enlightenment.'


“After she had made the vow she heard Pure Lotus Eyes Tathāgata say to her, 'Bright Eyes, you have great compassion. You are very virtuous making a vow like this on your mother's behalf. I see that your mother will have completed this retribution and then be reborn as a Brahmin with a one hundred year lifespan. After that retribution she will be reborn into the Land with No Sorrow and have a lifespan of uncountable kalpas. After that she will become a Buddha saving as many beings as there are grains of sand in the Ganges.'”

佛告定自在王: 「爾時羅漢福度光目者,即無盡意菩薩是。光目母者,即解脫菩薩是。光目女者,即地藏菩薩是。過去久遠劫中,如是慈愍發恆河沙願,廣度眾生。「未來世中,若有男子女人,不行善者,行惡者,乃至不信因果者,邪婬妄語者,兩舌惡口者,毀謗大乘者,如是諸業眾生,必墮惡趣。若遇善知識,勸令一彈指間歸依地藏菩薩,是諸眾生,即得解脫三惡道報。若能志心歸敬,及瞻禮讚歎,香華衣服,種種珍寶,或復飲食,如是奉事者,未來百千萬億劫中,常在諸天受勝妙樂。若天福盡,下生人間,猶百千劫,常為帝王,能憶宿命因果本末。定自在王,如是地藏菩薩,有如此不可思議大威神力,廣利眾生,汝等諸菩薩,當記是經,廣宣流布。」

The Buddha told Samādhi Self-Mastery King, “The Arhat that virtuously helped Bright Eyes then is now Aksayamati Bodhisattva. Bright Eyes' mother is now Salvation Bodhisattva. Bright Eyes is now Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva. Since the distant past he has been making compassionate vows like this as numerous as grains of sand in the Ganges to save large numbers of beings. If there are men or women in future generations that do not perform virtuous deeds but, rather, commit evil, including not believing in cause and effect, lewd acts, lying, being double-tounged, slandering Mahayana then those beings must fall into an evil rebirth. However, if they meet Dhárma friends who can be persuade to take refuge, in the snap of the fingers, in Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva. Many beings can be saved in this way from retribution in the Three Lower Realms. If they can wholeheartedly convert and esteem, revere, worship and praise and make offerings of incense, flowers, any kind of treasure or food and drink then they will enjoy wonderful bliss for trillions of kalpas. If their heavenly virtue is exhausted then thee will descend to be reborn in the human realm, also for hundreds of thousands of kalpas, often as an emperor and will be able to remember their previous lives and the causes and conditions that led them to their present lives. Samādhi Self-Mastery King, such is the unimaginable greatness of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, striving for the benefit of all sentient beings. You and other bodhisattvas should remember this sūtra and transmit it widely.”


Samādhi Self-Mastery King said to the Buddha, “World Honored One! I hope that you will not be concerned. We, trillions of bodhisattvas and mahasattvas, by virtue of the Buddha's great strength, will widely teach this sūtra in Jambudvīpa for the benefit of sentient beings.”


After Samādhi Self-Mastery King bodhisattva had spoken to the World Honored One he deferentially joined palms and respectfully withdrew.


At that time, the Four Heavenly Kings all stood up and respectfully joined palms and asked Buddha, “Since anicent times many kalpas ago, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva made this great vow. How is it that, until now, has not yet finished his work and still takes great vows? We wish that the World Honored One would explain.”


The Buddha said to the Four Heavenly Kings, “Excellent! Excellent! I will tell you for the benefit of the present and future celestial beings and people about Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva's paths of birth and death in the Sahā World in Jambudvīpa, how he compassionately saves pitful people, rescues sentient beings who suffer from their own wrongdoing using skillful means.”


The Four Heavenly Kings said, “Yes, World Honored One! We desire to hear.”


The Buddha said to the Four Heavenly Kings, “Since the ancient past, many kalpas ago, until today Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva has saved sentient beings but still he has not completey fulfilled his vow. He sympathized compassionately with sentient beings who suffer because of their own wrongdoing. Moreover, he cares about the beings to be born in the immeasurable kalpas of the future. So, for that reason, he keeps renewing the vow. Thus the bodhisattva in the Sahā World in Jambudvīpa uses trillions of skillful methods to educate and enlighten. Heavenly Kings! If Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva meets those who kill he will explain that their retribution will be doom to a short life themselves. To thieves he explains retribution by poverty. To people who commit lewd acts then he explains retribution by being reborn as a peacock, pigeon, or a mandarin duck. To those that use bad language then he explains retribution by their family fighting. To those that slander he explains retribution by having no tongue and ulcers. To those prone to anger he explains retribution by being ugly and old and feeble. To those who are stingy he explains retribution by unanswered prayers. To those who eat and drink in excess he explains retribution by hunger and thirst and throat disease. To those who overindulge in hunting he explains retribution by being scared to death or dying from mental derangement. To those who are disloyal to their parents he explains retribution by being killed by natural disasters. To those who burn mountain forests he explains retribution by dying of insane delusions. To cruel parents and step-parents he explains that being whipped in future lives will be the retribution. If he meetings people who catch young birds with a net then he explains retribution by having their flesh cut up. To those that slander the Triple Gem he explains retribution by being deaf, dumb, and blind. To those that slight the Dhárma and regard the teachings with arrogance he explains retribution by always being reborn in a lower realm. To those that abuse the property of the Sangha he explains retribution by spending hundreds of millions of kalpas in Hell. To those that defile religious practices and slander the Sangha he explains retribution by always being reborn in the Animal Realm. To those that burn, boil, slaughter, and harm living things he explains that they would be subject to the same acts as retribution. To those that break the precepts of abstaining from certain things and at certain times he explains retribution by rebirth as a starving wild animal or bird. To those that abuse and destroy things he explains retribution by having a lack of all that they seek. To those that are self-centered and arrogant he explains retribution in a lowly position. To those who are double-tongued and instigate trouble he explains retribution by having no tongue or one hundred tongues. To those with perverse views he explains retribution by being reborn in a remote area.


“These are the bad habits and the results of the physical, verbal, and mental karma of the beings in Jambudvīpa. There are hundreds of thousands of kinds of retribution. Today, I only speak about them in general. And so Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva has hundreds of thousands of skillful means for teaching and transforming the beings of Jambudvīpa about the different kinds of karma and the results of karma. All sentient beings must first face retribution and then fall into Hell, experiencing uncountable kalpas without a time for release. So you all must protect people and protect nations not letting the many kinds of karma lead beings astray.”


After hearing this the Four Heavenly Kings wept and lamented. They joined palms and retired.

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