Akshayamatinirdesha [english]
65,220 words
The English translation of the Akshayamatinirdesha: an ancient Mahayana Sutra devoted to the Bodhisattva Akshayamati, recognized as one of the sixteen bodhisattvas of the Bhadrakalpa (fortunate aeon). The text expounds the practices and ethics of the Bodhisatva way of life. Original titles: Akṣayamatinirdeśa (अक्षयमतिनिर्देश), Akṣayamatinirdeśasūt...
XII. The Path of Practice.
[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]
Further, reverend Śāradvatīputra, the bodhisattvas’ four kinds of meditation by the presence of recollection are also imperishable.
Which four?
1) The presence of recollection which consists in the consideration of the body; 2) the presence of recollection which consists in the consideration of feelings; 3) the presence of recollection which consists in the consideration of thought; 4) the presence of recollection which consists in the consideration of moments of existence.