Valiya Sahacharaditailam (Text: Ashtangahridayam)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Specific for rheumatism of the lower body.
Tailam 10.000ml
Sahachara 7.778 g
Dasamula (each) .778 g
Abhiru 3.889 g
Sevya .078 g
Nakha .078 g
Kushtha .078 g
Hima .078 g
Ela .078 g
Sprikka .078 g
Priyangu .078 g
Nalika .078 g
Ambu .078 g
Lohita .078 g
Nalada .078 g
Surahva .078 g
Kopana .078 g
Misi .078 g
Turushka .078 g
Nata .078 g
Ksiram 10.000ml
Silaja .078 g
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