Bio Peppermint Fresh-Kiss Lip Balm Softens & Refreshes Lips (100% Botanical Extracts)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Biotique is based on 5000-year-old Ayurvedic recipes known to integrate and celebrate body, mind and spirit. This is the heritage and harmony of all Biotique products, blending proven Ayurvedic therapies with the science of 21st century bio-technology.
Ayurvedic Medicine (For External Use Only). Organically Pure & Preservative Free Dermatologist Tested for Safety. No animal Testing. This is not a Cosmetic Product. It has Therapeutic Properties.
The Ayurvedic Recipe An extraordinary combination of ancient/modern therapies and sciences that balance the wonders of nature to support healthy well-being and spiritual bliss in your life.
Peppermint has been called “the world’s oldest medicine,” forever famous for its taste and medicinal properties. This refreshing balm texturizes delicate lips to a sleek, smooth, kissable suppleness. TO USE: Smooth on and around bare lips, alone or under lipstick.
Contains: Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) 1.0%, Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) 1.0%, Pudina (Mentha Arvensis) 4.0% Vach (Acoruscalamus) 1.5%, Badam (Prunusamygdalus) 2.0%, Surajmukhi (Helianthus annus) 2.0%, Kusumbhi (Carthamus tinctorious) 4.5%, Til (Sesamum indicum) 5.0%, Erandi (Ricinus communis) 11.0%, Marham base Q.S.
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