
Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

5 drops to 1 teaspoon full with water twice a day or as directed by the physician.
Each 10 ml, contains extract derived from Ela, Kamala, gambhari, Milofera, Manjishtha, Jatamamsi, Bala,
Musta, Sariva, haritaki, Bibhitka, Amalaki, Vaca, Sati, Trivt, Neeli Mula, Patola, Patra, Parpata, Arjuna
Chaal, Yasti, Usira, Mura. Madhuka Puspa each 16 mg. Draksa 320mg, Dhataki Puspa 250 mg, Asava
Base Q.S
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