Sushruta Samhita, volume 2: Nidanasthana

by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna | 1911 | 37,609 words

This current book, the Nidana-sthana (english translation), is the second part of this voluminous medical work. It deals with diseases: their prognosis, their cause, their symptoms and their pathogenesis (development of the disease). The Sushruta Samhita is the most representative work of the Hindu system of medicine. It embraces all that can poss...

Chapter XIV - Diagnosis of diseases of the penis

Now we shall discourse on the Nidana of the disease known as Shukadosha. 1.

Any of the eighteen different types of the disease may affect the genital (penis) of a man who foolishly resorts to the practice of getting it abnormally elongated and swollen by plastering it with Shuka (a kind of irritating water insect) and not in the usual officinal way.


Diseases, which result from such malpractices, are known as,—

  1. Sarshapika,
  2. Ashthilika,
  3. Grathita,
  4. Kumbhika,
  5. Alaji,
  6. Mridita,
  7. Sammudha-pidaka,
  8. Avamantha,
  9. Pushkarika,
  10. Sparshahani,
  11. Uttama,
  12. Shatoponaka,
  13. Tvakapaka,
  14. Shonitarvuda,
  15. Mansarvuda,
  16. Mansapaka,
  17. Vidradhi
  18. and Tilakalak. 2.


Metrical Texts:—

The tiny herpetic eruptions (Pidaka) which resemble the seeds of white mustard in shape and size, (and are found to crop up on the male organ of generation) on account of a deranged condition of the blood and Kapha, as the result of an injudicious application of Shuka plasters are called Sarshapika by the wise. Eruptions of hard stone-like pimples, (Pidaka) irregular at their sides or edges and which are caused by the aggravation of the local Vayu by the use of a plaster of the poisonous Suka, are called Ashthilika. The knotty Granthis (nodules) on the penis owing to its being frequently stuffed with the bristles of a Shuka insect are called Grathita. This type is caused by the deranged action of the Kapha. A black wart resembling the stone or seed of a jambolin fruit in shape is called Kumbhika. This type is due to the deranged condition of the blood and Pitta. 3–5.

An Alaji (incidental to an injudicious application of Suka on the penis) exhibits symptoms, which are identical with those manifested by a case of Alaji in Prameha (Ch. vi). A wart (papilloma) attended with swelling of the part and caused by the aggravated Vayu on the hard and inflamed penis causing pressure (on the urethra) is called Mridita. The pustule or eruption appearing on the penis on account of its being extremely pressed by the hand (for the insertion of the hairs of the Suka) in its dorsum is called Sammudha- pidaka. (It is the outcome of the aggravated Vayu[1]). A large number of elongated pustules on the penis (incidental to an application of Shuka to the part) which burst at the middle, causing pain and shivering, is called Avamantha (epithelioma). 6–10.

The Pushkarika type of the disease is marked by the eruptions of small pimples around the principal one The type has its origin in the deranged condition of the blood and Pitta, and is so called from the part of the excrescenses being arranged in rings or circles like the petals of a lotus flower in shape. A complete anesthesia (of the affected organ) owing to the vitiated blood by the injudicious application of a Shuka is called Sparshahani. Pustules appearing on the penis through the vitiation of the local blood and Pitta by such constant applications are called Uttama. A suppuration of the prepuce under the circumstance is called Tvakapakha. There is fever with a burning sensation in the affected organ. The disease is due to the vitiated condition of the blood and Pitta. 11—15.

The type of the disease in which the penis is marked by the eruption of black vesicles and is covered over with a large number of red pimples or pustules with an excruciating pain in the ulcerated region of the organ is called Sh onitarvuda. The vegetation of a fleshy tumour on the penis (incidental to a blow on the organ to alleviate the pain of inserting the hairs of the Suka insect into its body), is called Mansarvuda. A suppuration as well as sloughing of the penis attended with different kinds of pain which severally mark the deranged Vayu, Pitta and Kapha is called Mansapaka. This type is caused by the concerted action of the deranged Vayu, Pitta and Kapha. 15-18.

The specific symptoms of a Tridoshaja Vidradhi as described before (Chap. ix.) mark the one which affects the penis (owing to an injudicious application of the highly poisonous irritant Suka to the organs) The disease is called Vidradhi. A process of general suppuration and sloughing of the organ marks the type which is produced by the application of a black Suka or one of a variegated coloured insect of the same species. The type is called Tilakalaka, and should be regarded as Tridoshaja one. 19–21.


Of the above enumerated malignant diseases of the penis, those known as Mansarvuda, Mansapaka, Vidradhi and Tilakalak shoulda be deemed as incurable. 22.


Thus ends the fourteenth Chapter of the Nidana Sthana in the Sushruta Samhita which treats of Nidana of different types of Shukadohsa.

Footnotes and references:


According to Dallana it is due to the action of Vayu and blood.

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