Section XLV - Arjuna and Urvasi: Indra's Command and Divine Love

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section XLV including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Mahabharata Section XLV - Arjuna and Urvasi: Indra's Command and Divine Love
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Short summary of the chapter:
Vasava, knowing of Arjuna's interest in Urvasi, sends the Gandharva king, Citrasena, as his messenger to persuade Urvasi to wait upon Arjuna. Citrasena approaches Urvasi with respect and tells her of Arjuna's virtues, including his knowledge of weapons and arts, and his noble character. Urvasi, impressed by Arjuna's qualities, agrees to be with him at the command of Indra and out of her own affection for Citrasena. She expresses her willingness to go to Arjuna and bestow her favors upon him.

Urvasi, pleased by Arjuna's virtues described by Citrasena, decides to grant her favors to him. She acknowledges being under the influence of the god of love due to Arjuna's virtues, and agrees to go to him as requested. Urvasi's decision is a result of her admiration for Arjuna's character and Citrasena's persuasion on behalf of Indra. She is willing to be with Arjuna out of her own choice and affection.

Citrasena conveys Urvasi's acceptance of the proposal to Arjuna, informing him of her willingness to be with him. Arjuna, with his noble qualities, has captured the attention and admiration of both Urvasi and Citrasena, leading to this arrangement. The story highlights Arjuna's virtues and qualities that attract even celestial beings like Urvasi.

Urvasi's decision to be with Arjuna is a result of his exceptional character and the influence of Indra. Arjuna's virtues, including his knowledge, grace, and noble demeanor, have won him the favor of Urvasi, demonstrating the power of good qualities in attracting others. The story emphasizes the importance of virtues in gaining the admiration and affection of others, even divine beings.

Overall, the narrative showcases the respect and admiration for Arjuna's character, leading to Urvasi's decision to be with him. Arjuna's virtues and noble qualities play a significant role in attracting the attention and affection of both Urvasi and Citrasena, ultimately leading to this arrangement orchestrated by Vasava and Indra.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section XLV - Arjuna and Urvasi: Indra's Command and Divine Love, have a look at the following articles:

Section XLV, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section XLV:

What was Vasava's message to Urvasi regarding Arjuna and why?

Vasava instructed Urvasi to make Arjuna proficient in the arts of female company. This was to fulfill Indra's request and reward Arjuna's virtues.

How did Urvasi react to Citrasena's message about Arjuna?

Urvasi was pleased and willing to become Arjuna's lover. She was already under the influence of love and admired Arjuna's virtues.

What qualities of Arjuna impressed Urvasi to choose him as a lover?

Urvasi was impressed by Arjuna's numerous virtues including grace, beauty, prowess, intellect, devotion, and kindness. These qualities made her inclined towards him.

Daily life: Arjuna and Urvasi: Indra's Command and Divine Love:

The story illustrates the importance of character and virtues in attracting respect and admiration from those around us. It suggests that possessing qualities such as humility, respect for others, truthfulness, and a lack of pride can make an individual desirable and loved by others. In daily life, this can be applied by consciously cultivating these virtues and behaving in a manner that reflects them.

By focusing on being kind, truthful, respectful, and humble, we can improve our relationships and become more appealing to others. This also involves showing genuine care and consideration for the feelings and needs of those around us. Moreover, being dedicated to our own growth, such as through continuous learning and showing devotion to our duties, we build a character that is not only strong but also admirable.

It's important to remember that these qualities are not just for others to see, but they improve our own self-worth and satisfaction. In practicing these virtues, one not only becomes a source of joy and comfort for others but also finds personal happiness and fulfillment. Therefore, the story encourages us to strive for excellence in character as much as in our external achievements, highlighting that inner virtues can lead to rewards beyond measure.

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