Vastushastra glossary, starting with ‘c’

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The Vastushastra glossary, starting with the letter “c”, contains 63 definitions, select a phrase below for the definitions and references.

  1. Caitya
  2. Cakra
  3. Cakraka
  4. Cakrapitha
  5. Cakrasvastika
  6. Cakshus
  7. Camunda
  8. Candayaga
  9. Candikeshvara
  10. Candra
  11. Candracudeshvara
  12. Candrakanta
  13. Candrashala
  14. Carana
  15. Carman
  16. Carmashalya
  17. Caru
  18. Carukhanda
  19. Catuhshala
  20. Caturashra
  21. Caturashri
  22. Caturayatana
  23. Caturmukha
  24. Catushka
  25. Catushkaka
  26. Catushkika
  27. Catushtaya
  28. Caurya
  29. Cavity
  30. Cayalakshana
  31. Cement
  32. Ceshtita
  33. Chadya
  34. Chanda
  35. Chatra
  36. Chattrabha
  37. Chattrakara
  38. Cheda
  39. Cinaka
  40. Cinakadruma
  41. Circular
  42. Circular Stone
  43. Citasthana
  44. Citra
  45. Citrakantha
  46. Citrakhanda
  47. Citrakuta
  48. Cittrakuta
  49. Clay
  50. Clean
  51. Communication
  52. Conch
  53. Connecting
  54. Construction
  55. Constructor
  56. Cow Dung
  57. Cow Milk
  58. Cow Skin
  59. Creation
  60. Creeper
  61. Curna
  62. Curved Line
  63. Cutting
Glossary:  |  A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
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