The travels of Fa-Hian (400 A.D.)
by Samuel Beal | 1884 | 20,385 words | ISBN-10: 8120811070
This is the English translation of the travel records of Fa-Hian (or, Faxian): a Chinese Buddhist monk who traveled by foot from China to India between A.D. 399 and A.D. 412. The full title is: The travels of Fa-Hian: Buddhist-country-records; By Fa-hian, the Sakya of the Sung (Dynasty) [Date, 400 A.D]. This work is an extract of the book “Buddhi...
Chapter XVIII
Fa-Hian resided in the dragon vihara during the summer rest. After this was over, going south-east seven yojanas, he arrived at the city of Ki-jou-i (Kanauj). This city borders on the Ganges. There are two ramas here, both belonging to the system of the Little Vehicle. Going from the city six or seven li in a westerly direction, on the north bank of the river Ganges, is the place where Buddha preached for the good of his disciples. Tradition says that he preached on impermanency and sorrow, and also on the body being like a bubble and foam. On this spot they have raised a tower, which still remains. Crossing the Ganges and going south three yojanas, we arrive at a forest called A-lo. Here also Buddha preached the law. They have raised towers on this spot, and also where he sat down and walked for exercise.