The history of Andhra country (1000 AD - 1500 AD)
by Yashoda Devi | 1933 | 138,355 words
This book recounts the History of the Andhra Pradesh Country from 1000 to 1500 A.D. including many dynasties (for example. the Reddis of Korukonda and the Eruva Chola of Rajahmundry)....
Introduction (Kandravadi Dynasty)
The Kandravadis ruled over Kandravadi vishaya for a century from the middle of the 12th to the middle of the 13th Century A.D. The two main branches of them were the Ivani Kandravadis and the Konakandravadis which exercised sway simultaneously with their capitals at Ivani, and Bhogapura, and Duggirala respectively. Their kingdoms formed two divisions of a bigger divison—Kandravadivishayas or Doddikandravadi finding mention in the Eastern Chalukya inscriptions. The terms Ivani Kandravadi and konakandravadi are prefixed to the names of the rulers of the respective dynasties. The two dynasties owed allegiance to the Cholas and were united for external purposes.