The history of Andhra country (1000 AD - 1500 AD)

by Yashoda Devi | 1933 | 138,355 words

This book recounts the History of the Andhra Pradesh Country from 1000 to 1500 A.D. including many dynasties (for example. the Reddis of Korukonda and the Eruva Chola of Rajahmundry)....

Part 8 - Manda and Buddha (A.D. 1149-1173)

Buddharaja continued to rule and Malleraja’s place was taken by his son Manda IV. From two records at Madala one dated A D. 1149 and the other undated, a Mandenayaka is heard of. No doubt he was a subordinate to the Kondapadumati kings—Manda and Buddha, King Manderaja and his wife kundama figure in the Nadendla inscription dated A.D. 1150. The next record of the reign is dated A.D. 1152 from Madala. Kondapanayaka of Tanirumbariti is mentioned in the Vadda-valli epigraph dated A.D. 1156 King Buddharaja made grants at Draksharama in A.D. 1165 and the 20th year of Rajaraja.The subordinate chiefs-Harayana, son of Pedaprohnayadu, lord of Sirivrolu, and brother of Mandadi Prolinayaka, a Reddi lord of Verur and Namma made some grants in the kondapadumati country. Buddha and his brother Manderaju made grants at Nadendla in A.D. 1171. An inscription of that year mentions Gundamadevi, the agramahishi of Buddharaja. His inscription at Tsandavole dated A.D. 1171 as of political significance for it records that Akkama, sister of Buddha, was the wife of Velananti Rajendra Choda II. Mandans, the smatya and Dandanatha of king Manda IV, and son of Somanapre-ggada figures in a record at Lingamgunta, dated A.D. 1172. The last record of the reign is that of king Manda dated A.D. 1173 from Nadendla.

Political Relations of Buddha and Manda

Buddha and Manda IV had a reign of twenty-five years-the longest in Kondapadumati history. The comtemporary Chola emperor was Rajaraja II and the loyalty of Kondapadumatis to him in this reign is evident from the only record of the dynasty at Draksharama dated A.D. 1165 and the 20th year of Rajaraja II. The Velanandu choda ruler Was Choda II whose wife was a sister of Buddha. Besides, choda II had the title—Durjaya-kulaprakara and the Kondapadumatis was Durjayas. So peaceful relations must have prevailed between the Kondapadumatis and the Velanandus in this period which is attested by Buddha’s inscription at Tsandavole, the Velanandu capital. The Kaifiyat of Tsandavole attributes the persecution of Mallikarjuna Panditarodhya to King Buddha» which Somanatha attributes to Choda II. The friendship between Buddha and Choda II is further supported by the existence of the records of the latter in the former’s kingdom.

Kota Dodda Bhima and Rachura Daraparaju in A.D. 1166. and the epithet—Buddha Kulakuddala i.e. the axe to the race of Buddha. The epigraphist says “this--title suggests that the chief must have pleased the Kondapadumati chiefs who claimed descent from Buddhavarman.” This seems to gain support from the fact that no immediate sons and successors of Buddha and Manda are known for about fifteen years after the end of the reign. This event perhaps marks the beginnings of the decline of the Kondapadumati kingdom which was ultimately to be replaced by the Kota dynasty.

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