Vatkulantak Ras

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine (Rasamrit)
Net contents: 25 Tab. Indicated in hysteria vertigo and other vataj diseases.
Manhsila Suddha, Parad suddha, Gandhak suddha,
Nagakesara, Bibhitaka, Ela, Lavanga, Jatiphala, Amber each 11.11 mg,
Bhavna: Brahmi kvatha Q.S. for Mardana.Gum Acacia, Tragacanth, Starch, Lactose, Talcum Q.S.
½ Tab. to 1 Tab. with honey or milk.
Approx wt. of each Tab. 125 mg.
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