Shape Up - Waist and Tummy Trim Gel

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Lose up to 6 cm off your waistline & Get a flatter and firmer stomach in 3-6 weeks
An Ayurvedic Formulation
Clinically tested on men & women
Take one teaspoon full (5ml) of Shape Up Waist and Tummy Trim Gel and apply twice daily – in the
morning, after bath and in the evening, at bedtime.
Spread the gel on the waist and tummy area and massage lightly, as shown in the illustrations,
until the gel is absorbed in your skin.
Massage the gel in circular movements from bottom to top, using your palms to get the right
Massage the gel with both hands, with smooth strokes from bottom to top, working towards the
For best results, follow a balanced diet and include light exercise or walks in your daily
Tone your waist and stomach area by, breathing in (pulling the stomach in) and breathing out
(pushing the stomach out) for 4-5 minutes, twice a day.
For retaining your shapely results, we recommend that you repeat the usage of VLCC Shape Up Waist
& Tummy Trim Gel after 6 months.
Busy lifestyles, lack of physical activity, pregnancy, fatty or crash diets, weight
fluctuations…cause your waist and tummy areas to sag and appear flabby as you accumulate all the
unwanted inches.
To help you get a more slimmer, toned and firmer waist and tummy, VLCC Natural Science has created
– Shape UP Waist & Tummy Trim Gel. This advanced Ayurvedic formulation with herbal and vegetable
extracts, is the result of over 15 years of research at VLCC.
On regular usage, the advanced active ingredients in the product:
Release and break down cellular fat into consumable energy.
Strengthen the skin’s dermis giving you more toned muscles and skin tissues.
In clinical trials conducted by Claims Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai (an independent clinical research agency)
in 2008 on men and women of varying age groups, 91% of the volunteers witnessed the following
Skin toning and firming effect – toned and firmer skin on waist and tummy area after 3 weeks of
regular usage.
Slimming effect at the waist – loss of up to 6 cm from the waist after 4-6 weeks of regular usage.
This product should not be used during pregnancy or after child birth for at least
2 months.
Result may vary from person to person.
Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper Oil) 0.3%, Citrus Aurantifolia (Lemon Peel Oil) 0.4%, Cyperus Pertenuis
(Cyprus Oil) 0.5%, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemarry Oil) 0.3%, Geranium Sylvaticum (Geranium Oil)
0.4%, Punica Granatum (Pomegranate Oil) 0.5%, Ptychotis Ajowan (Ajowa Seed Oil) 0.4%, Quercus
Infectoria (Galnut Extract) 1%, Cynodon Dactylon (Seda Plant Extract) 1%, Soja Hispida (Soybean
Extract) 2%, Triticum Vulgare (Wheatgerm Extract) 2%, Geledium Amansi (Spirlunia Extract) 1%,
Cream Base: Q.S.
An Ayurvedic Product (For External Use Only)
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