Shape Up Chin & Neck Firming Cream

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Refines Facial Contours Reduces Flab on Cheeks & JawlineRegenerates Skin Elasticity &
FirmnessYounger & Firmer Chin & Neck in 21 days.
Skin in and around the chin and neck area is subjected to a great deal of pulling and stretching As we age
the muscles and the skin of our neck and lower face begins to sag and lose their definition. Sagging skin
around the Jawline double chin add years to your otherwise youthful face. Just plain moisturizing cream
and exercises does not help in eliminating these problems.
Based on the goodness of Ayurveda VLCC shape Up chin & Neck firming cream is made with special
herbal extracts. This cream is a quick absorbing emulsion that refines lower jaw chin area and the neck. It
improves skin texture induces smoothness and resilience in the neck area for a noticeably suppler and
firmer skin.
A combination of active herbal ingredients work together to reduce gravity effect and firm up the slackened
smoothen rough skin, reduce creepiness increase skin’s firmness and elasticity. Continuous usage helps
in reducing the appearance of fatty tissues in the chin and neck areas.Extract of papaver Somniferum (white Hornpappy) 0.4%, Aesculus Indica (Horsechest
Nut) 1%, Citrus Aurantium (Orange Peel) 0.5% & Oils of Cyperus Pertenuis (Cyperus) 0.1%, Olea
Eurpaea (Olive) 1 %, Triticum Vulgare (Wheatgerm) 0.5%, Cream Base q.sTake adequate quantity of cream and massage with light strokes from the
shoulder line to the front of the neck from the collar bone to under your chin and over the jawline as well.
Use in the morning & Evening and allow it to remain to 6-8 hours.
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