Scavon Vet Spray Himalaya Animal Health

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Each ml contains: Exts. Tailapatra (Eucalyptus globules) 60 mg, Nimba (Azadriacta indica) 50 mg,
Bhutrina (Andropogon citrates) 40 mg, Devadaru (Cadrus Deodara) 28 mg, Haridra (Curcuma Longa) 2
mg.Traumatic & Surgical wounds foot rot FMD Wounds dermatomycosis, ringworm,
candidiasis, mange, Maggot infested wounds & broken horns. clean the affected area after clipping hairs and spray the required quantity
twice daily or as directed by your verterinarian.
Store in Cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
Shake well before use. Pressurised container protect from sunlight and do not expose to temperature
exceeding 50c. Do not pierce or bum material. Do not spray on a naked flame and any incandescent
material. Do not spray near eyes. Avoid effect inhalation keep out of the reach of children. Use only as
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