Safi - The Blood Purifier

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

for skin diseases such as acne vulgaris, boils, skin rashes, blemishes,
urticaria etc. Checks nose bleeding, cures constipation, corrects indigestion, improves complexion
and helps you to stay slim and smart.
Each 5 ml (one teaspoonful) of Safi contains conc. aqueous extracts of:
Senna 160.45 mg, Turbud 25.45 mg, Gulab ke phool 24.77 mg, Burada Sheesham 13.40 mg, Sandal Surkh
11.36 mg, Gilo 14.09 mg, Harar 22.04 mg, Narkachoor 11.36 mg, Chiraita 17.38 mg, Burge Kasaundi
13.40 mg, Mundi 15.45 mg, Nikanthi 16.13 mg,Shahtra 22.72 mg, Kachnal 15.45 mg, Neem 19.43 mg,
Burge Tulsi 13.40 mg, Zarambad 11.36 mg, Darhald 9.43 mg, Sankhaholi 14.09 mg, Sarphoka 18.06 mg,
Ushba Maghrabi 5.68 mg, Brahmi 9.09 mg, Chaksu 9.09 mg, Bekh Kasni 9.09 mg, Unnab 11.36 mg, Revand
chini (Extract) 22.72 mg, Qand Safaid q.s. (to make 5 ml) Shora Desi 227.27 mg, Milleh Firangi
1.250 mg. 10 ml (2 teaspoonful)
Shake the bottle well before use.
Keep in a cool and dark place.
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