Pushyanug Churna

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Enriched with Kamal Kesar & Nagkeser .
Keep in Dry place away from direct sun light
Useful in Gynecological Diseases and Leucorrhoea.
Ayurved Sar Sangrah.
Palha 190 mg, Jumbu bija majja 190 mg, amra bija majja 190 mg, Pasan bheda 190 mg,
Rasanjana 190 mg, Ambasthaki 190 mg, Manjstha 190 mg, Padma Kesara 190 mg, Kumkuma
190 mg, Atvisa 190 mg, Musta 190 mg, Bilva 190 mg, Lodhra 190 mg, Gairtika 190 mg,
Kalphrala 190 mg, Marica 190 mg, Sunthi 190 mg, Rakta chandan 190mg, Katvanga 190 mg,
Anantu 190 mg, Dhakti 190 mg, Madnuka (yash) 190 mg, Arjuna 190 mg.
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