
Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Surthi 0.1614 %
Marich0.1614 %
Pippali0.1614 %
Haritaki0.1614 %
Bibhitaka0.1614 %
Amalaki0.1614 %
Darvi0.1614 %
Shvadamsitra0.1614 %
Brihati0.1614 %
Kantakari0.1614 %
Vasa Mula0.1614 %
Eranda Mula0.1614 %
Katuki0.1614 %
Gajapippali0.1614 %
Shothaghni0.1614 %
Guduchi0.1614 %
Shushka Mulaka0.1614 %
Duralabha0.1614 %
Patola0.1614 %
Dhataki2.5822 %
Draksha3.228 %
Makshika8.07 %
Oedema, Hyperacidity, Udar Rog, Disorders of Yakrit & Spleen.2 to 4 teaspoonful twice a day
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