Pain Relief Oil

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Sweet Flag, Ginger
Relieves bodyaches and pains.
A unique herbal formulation that relieves body aches and pains. Contains sweet flag, which
has analgesic and spasmolytic properties, Ginger that is a stimulant with anti- inflammatory
and rubefacient properties and Cedarwood that has anti- inflammatcry and analgesic properties
that relieve muscular spasms. Tila taila processed in Bala 24gm, Shigru 16mg, Vaca 16mg, Devadaru
12mg, Sunthi 12mg. Neuro-muscular pain, General bodyaches and pains. Apply over the effected area and gently massage if necessary.
Follow it with a warm shower.
Ayurvedic proprietary medicine.
For external use only.
Completely safe. Non-toxic.
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