Medohar Vidangadi Lauh (40 Tablets)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurved Sar Samgrah/ Lauh Mandoor Prakran Each Tab. (250 mg) contains:
Vaya Vidang, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amlaki, Mustak, Pippali, Shunthi,
Belgiri, Shweta Chandan, Sugandhbala, Patha, Khus, Balamool each 9.615 mg,
Lauh Bhasma 125.00 mg.
This is beneficial in all types of medo rog. It is also recommended in
Prameha & Pandu rog. Sodium Methyl & Sodium Propyl Paraben. 1 to 2 tablets (250 to 500 mg) twice a day with honey or
water or as directed by the physician. Light and easily digestible food. Curd, excessive sweets and spicy food. To be taken under medical supervision.
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