Khadi Nourishing Gel Badam (with Aloevera)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

An Ayurvedic almond based pore cleanser which remove dirt & Pollutants from the skin and gives nourishment to the dead skin cells.Rub the Gel on face Gently with finger tips in circular motion for 5-6 min. and clean the face with cotton.(In each kilogram contains) 1ml, sodii biboras 6gms, Glycerin 10 ml, ash of Zincum 0.1 gms , carbopol 10gms, citrus lemon 01gms preservative 2 ml, purified water to make 1 kg.
An ayurvedic medicine.
For external use only
Shake well before use
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