Karela Instant Soup Powder (Price per Two Packs)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

b>Ingredients: Karela Powder, Tomato Powder, Vegetable Powder, Coriander Leaves, Lemon,
Garlic, Onion, Ginger, Malt Dextrin, Natural Fruit Acid, Black Pepper, White Pepper, Cloves,
Spices Mix contents of sachet in 600ml water (4 cups), bring to boil for two
minutes, stirring continuously serve hot. Serving size 100g
Calories- 352 kcal
Total fat- 0.90g
Saturated fat- 0.3g
Trans fat- 0.1g
Mufa- 0.3g
Pufa- 0.1g
Cholesterol- 0.0mg
Carbohydrates- 79.2g
Proteins- 6.8g
Vitamin A- 303.2IU
Vitamin C- 12.04mg
Sodium- 1293.61mg
Iron- 33.81mg
Subject to natural variations
Non standard size under the standards of weights and measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules,
Contains no artificial additives preservatives, colours or flavors.
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