Jamun (Black Berry) Capsule Syzygium cumini (Remedy for Blood Sugar, Spleen Inflammation and Dysentery)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Jamun (Black Berry) capsule is a classical ayurvedic medicine containing ellagic acid, Glocuside-Jamboline, It is useful for regulates blood sugar, Glycosuia, It is best appetizer, promotes digestive fire. It is used for the relief of diabetes mellitus, Glycosuria, Indegistion, Dysentery. One capsule twice a day with water or as directed by physician.
Store in a cool and dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight. Do not refrigerate.
Each capsule contains: Neem 500mg.
Name in Sanskrit/Hindi- Jamun
Part used- Seed-Ghan
Botanical Name- Syzygium cumini skeels
Oty- 500mg.
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