Itrifal Kishneezi

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

It strengthens the brain, nervous system and Itestines, removes constipation. Its prolonged use relieves chronic cold permanently. It is useful in headach, dizziness and sore eyes, caused due to cold, stops pain and bleeding of nose and ears.10 gm.To be taken at bedtime with water.
(Biaz Kabir Vol. II)Each dose of 10 g contains Post Halela Zard 0.435 g. Post Halela Kabuli 0.435 g, Halela Siyah 0.435 g, Kishneez Khushk 0.435 g. Shahad 6.953 g, Ghee 0.866 g, Balela 0.435 g.
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