Isabgol - Effective, Smooth - Nature Care Regular (Relief from Constipation)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine
Nature care regular contains finely processed Isabgol husk, which absorbs more water for greater
effect with a smaller dose. It promotes overall digestion. Nature Care Regular is not habit forming.
Isabgol Husk Powder 49%, Amla Powder 1%, Excepeints Q.S., Presevatives: Sodium
Methyl Paraben, Sodium Propyl Paraben. 1 to 3 teaspoons at bedtime for adults and children above 12 years or
as directed by the physician.
Use a dry spoon to measure Nature Care Regular into a clean tumbler.
Fill up with water. Stir briskly.
Drink at once. Follow up with full glass of water.
Replace lid tightly.
Store in cool, dry place.
Keep away from children.
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