Herbals Hot Wax (Lemon, Vinegar & Liquid Glucose)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Take the required quantity in wax heater or some other container and make it
hot. Prepare the body part by cleansing the skin and wipe it dry Apply the wax with a blunt knife
in the direction of the hair growth. Place the waxing strip over the wax, press down firmly and
pull the strip with a jerk, in the opposite direction of hair growth. Finally clean the skin with
water to remove wax stains and apply Ayur Astringent Lotion.
Note: Disposable waxing strips (Cellophene/Paper) are hygienic to use.
Note: Do not heat the wax tin. Take some wax in separate container or wax heater. Warm it & then
use it.
In the rainy season if you see any moisture in the product, add some lemon juice or vinegar and
heat the wax and mix it well and then use it.
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