
Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Systemic Route for blood purification and dermal disorders.
It is a potent blood purifier recommended for all types of infectives and inflammatory dermal conditions.
Manjishtha, Neem, Sariva and Daruharidra are potent anti bacterial antio protoszoal and anti fungal
agents. Khadir is a potent astringent which controls itching and oozing in chronic eczematous lesions.
Kalmegh the viricidal works against herpes simplex guduchi improves immunity.Eczema, Seborrhic, Dermalititis bacterial and fungal infections, acne, Impetigo,
Psoriasis and Pyodema.2 Teaspoonful (10ml) with equal quantity of water twice a day or as advised by the
physicians. For Children as per age.
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