Golden Glory Allied's Extracted Filtered Organic Honey

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Nature’s best nourishing collected from most difficult Kashmir valley snow belt. The most
favorable environments in the world due to its exceptionally clean, pesticide free air and
water as well as various, herbs & plants. Rich in curative properties of various diseases &
A natural sacred food for health vigour & vitality restoration. Useful in obesity, hert, brain
and high b.p. use daily with milk, tea, juice, water, bread or as sweatmeat. Recommended for
use in all seasons and all ages.
To keep you fit & healthy
Rep. Food value of honey for nutriants, per 100g.
Moisture %20.60
Energy K. Cal319
Proten gm..30
Carbohydrate gm.79.50
Fat gm.0
Minerals gm.0.20
Fiber gm.0
Calcium mg.5
Phosphorus mg.16
Iron mg.0.90
Vit. I.U.0
Vit. B1 mg.0
Vit B2 mg.0.04
Niacin mg0.20
Vit. C mg.0.40
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