Gandharvahastadi Kashayam

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Text: Sahasrayogam
Effective in vata dominant diseases. Enhances bowel movements. It promotes digestion and clears
anorexia thus improves tastes. Castor oil or sugar candy or rock salt may be added as adjuvant.
5 to 15 ml mixed with four times of boiled and cooled water or as directed by the
Gandharvahasta – 2.778 g
Chiruvilva – 2.778 g
Hutasa – 2.778 g
Visva – 2.778 g
Pathya – 2.778 g
Punarnava – 2.778 g
Yavashaka – 2.778 g
Bhumitala – 2.778 g
An Ayurvedic Medicine
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