Dabur Punarnavarishta

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medici ne (B.R/Shothrogadhikar) Improves urination, thereby reduces swelling. 15 ml – 30 ml (1 to 2 tablespoonful) with water, twice a day or as directed by the Physician. Each 100 ml Prepared/Derived from:
Chitraka, Bla, Atibala, Vasa, Kantakari, Shveta Punarnava, Rakta Punarnava, Patha, Guduchi (each 1.1g), Guda 78.0 g, Madhu 5.7 g, Nagakeshara,
Hrivera, Tvak, Sukshmaila, Tejpatra, Maricha (each 0.19g), Water q.s.
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