Ashoka Compound

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Sandu Ashoka Compound ensures synergy of ingredients like Ashoka Lodhra, Dhalti, Manjishtha,
Daruharidra, Chandan. Vala and 11 other active ingredients for relief from common gynaecological
problems like Dub. It is a hypothalamo pituitary overian axis regulator. Ashoka compound reduces
frequency and intensity of Uterine contractions and thus reduces the incidence of habitual abortion.
a. Young adolescent Dub
b. Anovulatory Dub
c. Unexplained infertility
1. For Menometrorrhagia/Metrorrhagia/dysmenorrheal 2 to 4 table spoons 2 time a day.
2. For Dub 2 to 4 spoons 2 times a day for three to four cycles.
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