Healing Yoga (Integrating the Chakras)
author: Ambikananda Saraswati
edition: 2002, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd
pages: 144
ISBN-10: 8180560392
ISBN-13: 9788180560392
Topic: Yoga
Chapter 9 - Vishuddha Chakra—The Power of Space
This chapter describes Vishuddha Chakra—The Power of Space located in the book Healing Yoga: A Guide to Integrating the Chakras With Your Yoga Practice compiled by Ambikananda Saraswati. This book teaches how to integrate an awareness of the Panchatattva (the five forces of vitality) and explores the chakra where it resides.
By restoring the panchatattva to a state of balance, and improving the flow of prana (vitality) within the body, you can achieve a healthier, happier life. This illustrated book, including this chapter—Vishuddha Chakra—The Power of Space—explains Hatha Yoga techniques, reveals imbalance within the body, illustrates all asanas, includes beneficial postures of common ailments.
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You can look up the meaning of the phrase “Vishuddha Chakra—The Power of Space” according to 325 books dealing with Hinduism. The following list shows a short preview of potential definitions.
Yogashikha Upanishad (critical study) [by Sujatarani Giri]
The Force Centres [Table-6] English name Sanskrit name Situation Root or basic cakra muladhara at the base of the spine Slpleen or splenic cakra svadhishthana Over the spleen Naval or umbilical cakra manipura at the naval, over the solar plexus Heart or umbilical cakra anahata over the heart Heart or cardiac cakra vishuddha at the front of the throat Brow or forontal cakra ajna in the space between the eyebrows Crown or coronal cakra sahasrara on the top of the head....
Read full contents: Part 2.1 - The Six Chakras (shadcakras) in Yogashikha-upanishad
The Nervous System in Yoga and Tantra (Study) [by Ashok Majumdar]
Cakra Nirubana) 198 98 [[[ p. 42 ]]] MEANING OF PETALS IN CAKRAS Cakras No. of Padma No....
Read full contents: 6. The concept of Cakra (psychic centres)
Shat-cakra-nirupana (the six bodily centres) [by Arthur Avalon]
Summary of the Vishuddha Cakra (verses 28-31). At the base of the throat is the Vishuddha Cakra, with sixteen petals of smoky purple hue. Its filaments are ruddy, and the sixteen vowels, which are red and have the Bindu above them, are on the petals. In its pericarp is the ethereal region (Nabho-mandala), circular and white. Inside it is the Candra-mandala, and above it is the Bija Ham. This Bija is white and garmented in white, seated on an elephant, and is four-armed....
Read full contents: Summary of the Vishuddha Cakra (verses 28-31)
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