Healing Yoga (Integrating the Chakras)
author: Ambikananda Saraswati
edition: 2002, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd
pages: 144
ISBN-10: 8180560392
ISBN-13: 9788180560392
Topic: Yoga
Chapter 7 - About the Five Tattvas
This chapter describes About the Five Tattvas located in the book Healing Yoga: A Guide to Integrating the Chakras With Your Yoga Practice compiled by Ambikananda Saraswati. This book teaches how to integrate an awareness of the Panchatattva (the five forces of vitality) and explores the chakra where it resides.
By restoring the panchatattva to a state of balance, and improving the flow of prana (vitality) within the body, you can achieve a healthier, happier life. This illustrated book, including this chapter—About the Five Tattvas—explains Hatha Yoga techniques, reveals imbalance within the body, illustrates all asanas, includes beneficial postures of common ailments.
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You can look up the meaning of the phrase “About the Five Tattvas” according to 314 books dealing with Hinduism. The following list shows a short preview of potential definitions.
Cidgaganacandrika (study) [by S. Mahalakshmi]
Third enclosure is Vidya kala, consisting of the next seven higher tattva s from Purusha tattva to Mayatattva. Fourth boundary is Shanta kala covering the next four higher tattvas from Shuddhavidya tattva to Shakti tattva which is last but one of the Supreme Tattva. Fifth is Shantatita kala where only the supreme Shiva tattva exists....
Read full contents: Part 6 - Shadadhva (six ways in the process of creation)
Gitartha Samgraha (critical Study) [by Partha Sarathi Sil]
Purer subjectivity will come in the next two tattvas, ishvara tattva and sadashiva tattva. The final two tattvas are the purest form of subjectivity. Those two independent tattvas are shakti and shiva tattva. The next tattva is Shadashiva tattva. This is the third category of the power of will or iccha shakti. Here the experience gradually develops from Shiva-Shakti principles which may be formulated in the thought as ‘I am ....
Read full contents: 3. Tattvas (Principles) of Kashmir Shaivism
Yogatattva Upanishad (translation and study) [by Sujata Jena]
Their natures are different and the way of perceiving the different natures is known as tanmatra. 228 [[[ p. 15 ]]] The tanmatras are said to be the subtle essence of the tattvas. The five tanmatras are: (i) Sabda or sound, the subtle essence of akasa tattva: (ii) sparsa or touch, the subtle essence of vayu tattva: (iii) rupa or form, the subtle essence of Agni tattva: (iv)rasa or taste, the subtle essence of apas tattva, and (v) gandh or smell, the subtle essence of prthivi tattva....
Read full contents: Part 1.2 - Pancatattva Dharana (concentration on the five elements)
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