Healing Yoga (Integrating the Chakras)
author: Ambikananda Saraswati
edition: 2002, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd
pages: 144
ISBN-10: 8180560392
ISBN-13: 9788180560392
Topic: Yoga
Chapter 6 - Yoga and the Five Forces
This chapter describes Yoga and the Five Forces located in the book Healing Yoga: A Guide to Integrating the Chakras With Your Yoga Practice compiled by Ambikananda Saraswati. This book teaches how to integrate an awareness of the Panchatattva (the five forces of vitality) and explores the chakra where it resides.
By restoring the panchatattva to a state of balance, and improving the flow of prana (vitality) within the body, you can achieve a healthier, happier life. This illustrated book, including this chapter—Yoga and the Five Forces—explains Hatha Yoga techniques, reveals imbalance within the body, illustrates all asanas, includes beneficial postures of common ailments.
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