Healing Yoga (Integrating the Chakras)
author: Ambikananda Saraswati
edition: 2002, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd
pages: 144
ISBN-10: 8180560392
ISBN-13: 9788180560392
Topic: Yoga
Chapter 5 - Stretching, Strengthening and the Stillpoint
This chapter describes Stretching, Strengthening and the Stillpoint located in the book Healing Yoga: A Guide to Integrating the Chakras With Your Yoga Practice compiled by Ambikananda Saraswati. This book teaches how to integrate an awareness of the Panchatattva (the five forces of vitality) and explores the chakra where it resides.
By restoring the panchatattva to a state of balance, and improving the flow of prana (vitality) within the body, you can achieve a healthier, happier life. This illustrated book, including this chapter—Stretching, Strengthening and the Stillpoint—explains Hatha Yoga techniques, reveals imbalance within the body, illustrates all asanas, includes beneficial postures of common ailments.
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You can look up the meaning of the phrase “Stretching, Strengthening and the Stillpoint” according to 148 books dealing with Hinduism. The following list shows a short preview of potential definitions.
Yoga Vasistha [English], Volume 1-4 [by Vihari-Lala Mitra]
[Sanskrit available]I have led an untroubled and easy life, passing in pleasure and prosperity; and have kept in security all the subjects of my realm stretching to the sea. 14. [Sanskrit available]I have subdued the surface of the earth, and reduced my enemies under my foot; and have filled the smiling land with plenty, under the bending skies on all sides. 15....
Read full contents: Chapter CIX - Fighting with the invading armies at the gate of the city
Charaka Samhita (English translation) [by Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurvedic Society]
oil, ghee, marrow or fruit is strengthening, nourishing, cordial, heavy and roborant. Likewise is rice cocked together with black gram, til, milk and green gram. The qualities of Kulmasha preparation 260. Kulmasha [kulmasha] is heavy, dry, Vata-provoking and loosens the stools. The relative lightness and heaviness of prepared Gruels, Meat-juices and Soups 261....
Read full contents: Chapter 27k - The group of Cooked foods (Kritanna)
Apastamba Dharma-sutra [by Apastamba]
I, 26. (* 12) A Vaishya shall salute stretching forth his arm on a level with his middle, i. e. the stomach; others say, on a level with his thigh; the Shudra stretching it forth low, i. e. on a level with his feet. --Haradatta. (* 13) See also Manu II, 225. (* 14) Manu II, 71. (* 15) Manu II, 72 (* 16) Manu II, 191. (* 17) Yajn. I, 27; Manu II, 191....
Read full contents: Prashna I, Patala 2, Khanda 5
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