The Thirumanthiram (Translation and Commentary)
author: T.N. Ganapathy
edition: 2013, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Trust
pages: 3832
language: English
ISBN-10: 1895383617
ISBN-13: 9781895383614
Topic: Shaivism
Summary: This is the English translation of the Thirumanthiram including original Tamil Text, English Translation, Detailed commentary, Appendices and a Glossary. The Tirumandiram, authored by Siddha Thirumoolar (Tirumular) primarily deals with the Shaiva Agamas but is presented as an encyclopedia of spiritual wisdom, dealing with various topics such as Yoga, Indian philosophy and Tantra.
Alternative titles: Tirumantiram, Tirumanthiram, Thirumantiram, Thirumandhiram, Tirumandhiram, Thirumandiram, Tirumandiram etc.
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The Thirumanthiram, by Siddha Tirumular (Thirumoolar) is a sacred encyclopedia of philosophical and spiritual wisdom rendered in verse form. It is one of India's greatest texts, a spiritual treasure-trove, a Shastra containing astonishing insight. It is a seminal work and is the first treatise in Tamil that deals with different aspects of Yoga, Tantra and Shaiva Siddhantha.
"The poems of Tirumular abound in technical terms conveying mystical experience. The symbolic, twilight language of the Siddhas has the advantage of precision, concentration, secrecy, mystery and esoteric significance in that the symbols, at the hands of the Siddhas become a form of artistic expression of the inexpressible. In short, the twilight language of the Siddhas is, in essence, profoundly mystical in nature and contains a "numinous aura" and existential revelations for the man who deciphers their message. The essential difficulty is that to understand the twilight language requires a total hermeneutic of reading, an awareness, in fact, of the total religious and philosophical structures that infuse it. It also requires one to enter deep states of meditation wherein the verse serves as a key that reveals a higher meaning to the initiate." (T.N. Ganapathy)
It took five years and a team of scholars to translate each of the 3000 verses and to write extensive commentaries about them, in nine volumes. The tenth volume contains presentations from two philosophical schools of Shaiva Siddhanta and a glossary, select bibliography and index.
Available pages:
Contents of this online book (index):
The full text of the The Thirumanthiram (Translation and Commentary) in English can be quickly summarized in the following table of contents. Becaue these pages are not available to read online, I would recommend you buy the book.
In Praise of God [link]
The Greatness of the Vedas [link]
The Greatness of the Agamas [link]
The Guru Tradition [link]
The History of Tirumular [link]
Humility in Assembly [link]
Number and Import of the Tirumandiram Hymns [link]
Spiritual Lineage [link]
The Trinity and the Relationship [link]
Instructions on the Essence [link]
Transitoriness of the Body [link]
Transitoriness of Wealth [link]
Impermanence of Youth [link]
Impermanence of Live [link]
Non-killing [link]
Meat-Eating, Forbidden [link]
On the Evil of Adulterous Life [link]
The Dishonourable Public Women [link]
Poverty [link]
Efficacy of the Propitiation of Fire [link]
Way of the Brahmins [link]
A Code for Governance [link]
In Praise of Rain [link]
In Praise of Giving [link]
In Praise of the Righteous [link]
Path of the Unrighteous [link]
By Love Possessed [link]
Siva Knows the Ones that Love [link]
Learning [link]
Fulfilling Inquiry [link]
State of Being Unlearned [link]
In the Midst of Grace [link]
Abstention From Drink [link]
Agattiyam [link]
Eight Heroic Deeds of the Lord [link]
Linga-Purana [link]
Daksa's Sacrifice [link]
The Deluge [link]
Gift of a Discus [link]
Skeleton and Skull [link]
Search for the Crown and the Feet [link]
Creation [link]
Sustenance [link]
Dissolution [link]
Obscuration [link]
Bestowing Grace [link]
Creation (Microcosmic) [link]
Three Categories of Souls [link]
The Worthy Ones [link]
The Unworthy Ones [link]
Holy Waters [link]
Desecration of the Holy Temple [link]
Manifestation of Downward Face [link]
Reproach of Siva [link]
Reproach of Guru [link]
Reproach of the Devotees of Lord Siva [link]
Forbearance [link]
Seeking the Holy Company [link]
Astanga Yoga (Eight-limbed yoga) [link]
Yama (Abstentions) [link]
Niyama (Observances) [link]
Asanas (Postures) [link]
Pranayama (Regulated Breath) [link]
Pratyahara (Withdrawal of the Senses) [link]
Dharana (Concentration) [link]
Dhyana (Meditation) [link]
Samadhi (Intense Contemplation) [link]
Benefits of the Eight-Limbed Yoga [link]
Eight Great Siddhis [link]
State of Kalas [link]
The Art of Keeping the Body Intact [link]
The Wheel of Time [link]
Measurement of the Life Span [link]
Daily Pranic Rhythms [link]
Hostile Days [link]
Kechari –Yoga [link]
Pariyanga – Yoga [link]
Amuri Dharanai [link]
Candra-Yoga [link]
The Silently Articulated [link]
The Cakra of Tiruvambalam [link]
Archana [link]
The Nine Sacrificial pits [link]
Various Forms of Sakthi—The Tirupurai cakra [link]
The Bairavi Mandiram [link]
Absolute sakti [link]
The Support and the Supported [link]
Yeroli Cakra [link]
The Cakra of Bhairava [link]
The Cakra of Sarnbhavi Mandala [link]
The Cakra of Bhuvanapati [link]
Navakkari Cakra [link]
Pure Saivism [link]
Impure Saivism [link]
The Saivism that Helps to Attain Liberation [link]
Extreme Pure Saivism [link]
The Path of Service [link]
Ritualistic Worship [link]
Yoga [link]
Wisdom or Self-Realization [link]
The Path of Wisdom or Self-Realization [link]
The Path of Friend [link]
The Path of Son [link]
The Path of Servant [link]
Reaching the World of the Lord [link]
Proximity to the Lord [link]
Attaining the Form of the Lord [link]
Mergence with the Lord [link]
The Descent of Grace [link]
Condemning the External Faiths [link]
Misconduct [link]
Internal Faith [link]
The Vision of Siva as Guru [link]
The Merit or Grace of Guru's Feet [link]
The Subject, The Object and Knowledge [link]
Renunciation [link]
Penance [link]
Abuse of Tapas [link]
Attainment of Jnana is due to Divine Grace [link]
Disguised Vanity or Hypocrisy (Sanctimony) [link]
The Robes of Penance [link]
The Sacred Ashes [link]
The Robes of Jnana [link]
The Robes of Siva [link]
One who is Immature or Unfit [link]
One who is Mature or Fit [link]
The Six Adharas [link]
The Cosmos as the Symbol of God [link]
The Body as the Linga [link]
Sadasiva Lingam [link]
The Soul as Linga [link]
The Linga of Gnosis [link]
Sivalingam [link]
The Sacred Tradition [link]
Bestowal of Grace [link]
The Glow of Grace [link]
Worship of Siva [link]
Worship of the Preceptor [link]
Worship of the Spiritual Servants [link]
The Greatness of the Spiritual Servants [link]
The Code of Feeding the Servants [link]
Code of Receiving Alms [link]
Variations in Mudra Gesture or Hand Pose [link]
Accomplished Samadhi in the Cave of the Heart [link]
Rituals of Samadhi [link]
The Origin of the Bindu [link]
The conquest of Bindu and the device of controlling the Life Breath at the time of Enjoyment [link]
The States of the Sun Macrocosmic Sun—The Sun of the Universe [link]
The Sun of the World or The Microcosmic Sun—the Sun of the Body [link]
The State of the Sun in the Mind [link]
The Sun of Gnosis [link]
The Sun of Siva [link]
The Character of the Soul [link]
The Individual Soul [link]
The Cultivated Soul [link]
The Soul that is Bound [link]
The Enlightened One [link]
The Effort required to control the Five Senses [link]
The Method of Controlling the Five Sense Organs [link]
The Path of the Unholy Guru [link]
The Noble Guru [link]
The Unethical Conduct [link]
Compassion for the Soul's State of Misery [link]
The Salutary Guidance [link]
Five-fold Differences of the Body [link]
Relinquishment of the Body [link]
Different States of Experience of the soul-Lower State of Experience [link]
Middle Waking State [link]
The Paths for Liberation [link]
Pure Waking State and Other States [link]
Triple States of the Soul [link]
The Supreme State [link]
Devoid of Triple Gunas [link]
Different World Systems [link]
Even the Eleventh Kala is to be seen as an Avastha 'state' [link]
Mingling and Departing [link]
The State Free From Impurity [link]
The Dawn of Spiritual Knowledge [link]
The Six Ends [link]
The Non-Difference of Pati, Pasu and Pasa [link]
Exposition of Realizing the Feet and the Head [link]
The Three Defects [link]
The Three Words [link]
The Three-fold Paras [link]
The Nature of the Supreme Lord Siva [link]
Three-fold Turiyas [link]
Three-fold Muktis [link]
Three-fold Svarupas (Real Nature) [link]
Triple Instruments [link]
Three Voids and Tat Tvam Asi [link]
Three Illusions [link]
The Adjuncts of Jiva and Para [link]
The State of Tranquility [link]
Avoidance of Out-Speaking [link]
The State of the Soul within Triple Gunas in the Sphere of the Eight-Petalled Lotus [link]
Ninefold States and Ninefold Presiding Deities [link]
The Pure and the Impure [link]
Disdain of Liberation [link]
Three Types of Implied Meaning [link]
The Great Statement—Tat Tvam Asi [link]
The Morsel of Cosmos [link]
Truthfulness [link]
The Performance of a Jnani [link]
Curbing the Desire [link]
The Significance of Devotion [link]
The Attainment of Eternal Bliss [link]
Inquiry [link]
The Vision of the Monastery of the Guru [link]
The Vision of the Jnana Guru who is the Embodiment of Wisdom [link]
Pranava-Samadhi [link]
Light [link]
The Pancaksara Mantra-Gross [link]
The Pancaksara Mantra-Subtle [link]
The Pancaksara Mantra-Super Subtle [link]
The Vision of the Sacred Dance of Siva [link]
The Attainment of Space Within [link]
The Dawn of Wisdom [link]
Sat-Cit-Ananda [link]
The Dawn of the Real Nature of Sivam [link]
Karma (ul) [link]
The Vision of Siva [link]
The Vision of the Essential Nature of Siva [link]
Gradations of Liberation, Release from Karma [link]
The Conversation About the Void [link]
The Silent State of Samadhi [link]
The Greatness of the Unlimited [link]
The Greatness of the Realized Ones [link]
Panegyric (Laudation/Tribute) [link]
The All-Pervasive One [link]
Benediction [link]
Monism and Pluralism in Saiva Siddhanta [link]
There Can Be Only one Final Conclusion in Saiva Siddhanta [link]
Glossary—T.N. Ganapathy [link]
Select Bibliography—T.N. Ganapathy [link]
Index—Ramesh Babu [link]
The thirty-six principles of existence to Saiva Thandhiram (Tandiram) [link]
Courtesy: George Feuerstein (Appendix Two) [link]