Rasendra Sara Sangraha of Sri Gopal Krishna Bhatt

author: Parimi Suresh
edition: 2007, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan
pages: 1112
ISBN-10: 8189798057
ISBN-13: 9788189798055
Topic: Rasashastra

Foreword (by Laxmikant Dwivedi)

It gives me immense pleasure to go through this voluminous translation work on "Rasendra Sara Sangraha" by Gopal Krishna Bhatt. The Translators are young and energetic scientists and have received their doctorate degrees from prestigious 'Banaras Hindu University', Varanasi. It is evident that translating the present work is very strenuous. This very poplar book belongs to 14th century A. D. and is dedicated to Rasa Shastra with practical approach. Number of commentaries are available on this work but most of them are either in Hindi or in Sanskrit. The English translation is still wanting until recent times. Recently one English translation has been published yet this particular English translation is unique by way of having simple emphatic and true to content and is thus superior to all the other available translations. The present translation makes easy in understanding and is in most respects based on the pattern of Ayurvedic Formularly of India. This enhances the authenticity of the book. The technical terms, the commentary and the appendices are assets of this translation. It also embodies some of the valuable experiences aiming at providing learned authors wide experience in parmaceutical industry and teaching institutions has made this book a valuable guidance for both the student also the entrepreneurs vis-à-vis researchers and there by to bring this translation in a user's domain.

This translation really fulfills the needs of not only the student community but also the physicians, teachers, researchers and the pharmaceutical entrepreneurs in India and world over.

I appreciate and congratulate the translators for their commendable pain taking work and wish them bright future and success in life.

May God bless both the authors.

Prof. Laxmikant Dwivedi

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