Rasendra Sara Sangraha of Sri Gopal Krishna Bhatt
author: Parimi Suresh
edition: 2007, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan
pages: 1112
language: English
ISBN-10: 8189798057
ISBN-13: 9788189798055
Topic: Rasashastra
Summary: This is the English translation of the Rasendra-sara-sangraha, written in Sanskrit in the 14th century by Gopalakrisna Bhatt. It represents a compilation of topics dealing with mercury and other metals, all belonging to the ancient Indian science of Rasashastra (medicinal alchemy)
This edition includes the Sanskrit, English translation, Parimita Bhodhini Commentary and Appendices.
Authors: Dr. Parimi Suresh and Dr. Vinaya Kumari Dhannapuneni.
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Rasendra Sara Sangraha is the oldest and most exhaustive treatise of Rasa Shastra comprising the compilation of various time tested and therapeutically proved Rasayogas [medicines], penned down by a great erudite scholar in the field of Rasa Shastra Shri Gopal Krishna Bhatt. Among the Rasa literature it has got wide popularity as most of the practitioners and others used to follow.This popular book consists of 5 chapters with near about 2531 verses. The book starts with processing of minerals and metals, following usual salutations, it proceeds further to the manufacturing and therapeutic utilization of the prepared medicines. The purification of mercury has been advised by use of herbal drugs and perhaps it is the first book to explain the rationale method of manufacturing based on the therapeutic utility e.g; Loha Bhasma.
Overall 600-650 Rasayogas have been compiled, among them a few pure herbal formulations have also gained place.
Commercial scale manufacturing of certain drugs like Rasa Manikya etc. are also the contributions of the book.
This English translation of the text rendered by Dr. P. Suresh & Dr. Vinaya Kumari with the critical and explanatory notes Parimita Bhodhini considering the various reading in the text as well as the different interpretations found in the commentaries, following the official format, is itself a versatile and sure will be an immense help for the U. G. and P. G. students as a course book and reference book for researchers, scientists, teachers, pharmacists and multidisciplinary institutions. Appendices and index etc. are the added attraction to the translation.
Available pages:
[Foreword (by Laxmikant Dwivedi)]
[Foreword (by Mahesh Chandra Sharma)]
[About the Author (Parimi Suresh)]
[About the Author (Vinaya Kumari Dhannapuneni)]
Contents of this online book (index):
The full text of the Rasendra Sara Sangraha of Sri Gopal Krishna Bhatt in English can be quickly summarized in the following table of contents. Becaue these pages are not available to read online, I would recommend you buy the book.
Chapter 1: Parad/Rasa (Mercury) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (1): Gandhak (Sulphur) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (2): Vajra (Diamond) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (3): Vaikranta (Tourmaline) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (4): Abhraka (Mica) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (5): Haratala (Yellow or piment) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (6): Manahsila (Red or piment) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (7): Kharpara (Zinc carbonate) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (8): Tuttha (Copper sulphate) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (9): Vimala (Iron pyrites) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (10): Maksik (Chalco pyrites) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (11): Kasisa (Ferrous Sulphate) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (12): Kantapasana (Magnetite) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (13): Varatika (Cowry) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (14): Nilanjan (Galena) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (15): Hingula (Cinnabar) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (16): Silajatu (Bitumen) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (17): Gairika (Haematite) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (18): Kankustha [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (19): Tankan (Borax) [link]
Chapter 1: Uparasa (20): Sankha (Conch shell) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (1): Swarna (Gold) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (2): Rajata (Silver) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (3): Tamra (Copper) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (4): Pittala (Brass) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (5): Kamsya (Bronze) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (6): Naga (Lead) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (7): Vanga (Tin) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (8): Loha (Iron) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (9): Mandura (Slag iron) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (10): Manimukta (Gems & Pearls) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (11): Visa (Poisonous drugs) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (12): Upavisa (Minor poisons) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (13): Jalouka (Leeches) [link]
Chapter 1: Dhatu (14): Nanabija [link]
Chapter 2: Virekadhikara [link]
Chapter 2: Jwara Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Atisara Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Grahaniroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Arsaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Ajirnaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Krimirog Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Pandukamala Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Raktapitta Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Yaksma Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Kasa Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Hikkaswasa Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Swarabheda Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Arocaka Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Cardhiroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Trisna Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Murca Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Madatyaya Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Daha Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Unmada Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Apasmara Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Vatavyadhi Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Kapharoga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Pittaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Vatarakta Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Urusthambha Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Amavata Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Sula Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Udavarta Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Gulmaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Hrdroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Mutrakricchra Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Mutraghat Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Asmari Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Prameha Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Somaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Sthoulya Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Udararoga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Pliharoga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Sotha Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Arbuda Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Slipada Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Bhagandhara Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Upadamsa Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Kustharoga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Switra Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Sitapitta udarda kota Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Amlapitta Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Visarpa, Visphota Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Masurika Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Mukharoga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Karnaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Nasaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Netraroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Siroroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Pradara Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Yonivyapad Treatment [link]
Chapter 2: Sutikaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 3: Balaroga Treatment [link]
Chapter 4: Visa Treatment [link]
Chapter 5: Rasayan vajikaran [link]
Parisistha (2) Metrology (Manaparibasa) [link]
Parisistha (3) Bhavana [link]
Parisistha (4) Puta [link]
Parisistha (5) Rasaousadh [link]