Rasachandamshu or Rasaratna Sangraha

author: M. S. Krishnamurthy
edition: 2013, Chaukhambha Visvabharati
pages: 512
language: English
ISBN-10: 9381301263
ISBN-13: 9789381301265
Topic: Rasashastra

Summary: This is the English translation of the Rasachandamshu: a 19th century Sanskrit work dealing with Ayurvedic therapeutics and alchemical processes, belonging the branch of science known as Rasashastra.

Original title in Sanskrit is Rasacaṇḍāṃśu (रसचण्डांशु) or Rasaratnasaṅgraha (रसरत्नसङ्ग्रह).

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The text “Rasachandamshu” is a noble compendium of Acharya Shree Datta vaidya (1841). This book is also known as “Rasaratna sangraha”. Being a guide in Ayurvedic therapeutics, it explains various aspects of Ayurveda in two parts namely Poorva khanda and Uttara khanda. Near about 87 diseases are explained in this text with their patho-physiology, symptomatology and therapeutics. The book gives detail description about 700 formulations. Practical aspects dealt regarding the processing of various Rasashastric drugs make the text unique in its presentation and utility.
The English translation, notes and. appendices makes us to appreciate the text, just by a glance.

Contents of this online book (index):

The full text of the Rasachandamshu or Rasaratna Sangraha in English can be quickly summarized in the following table of contents. Becaue these pages are not available to read online, I would recommend you buy the book.

Importance of Mercury [link]
Superiority of Mercury [link]
Synonyms of Mercury [link]
Characters of good and bad kind of Mercury [link]
Major blemishes of Mercury [link]
Side effects of the Doshas (Blemishes) [link]
Blemishes free Mercury [link]
Purification of Mercury [link]
Types of Mercury [link]
Urdhwapatana (Upward distillation) [link]
Adhapatana (Downward distillation) [link]
Rodhana (Activation procedure of Mercury) [link]
Extraction of Mercury from Hingula (Cinnabar) [link]
Ashta Samskara of Parada (Eight special pharmaceutical procedures of Mercury) [link]
Purification of Mercury procured from Cinnabar [link]
Parada Mukhakarana/Deepana (Carmination) [link]
Shadguna Gandhaka Jarana (Potentiation of Mercury with Sulphur) [link]
Rasabandhana (Amalgamation of Mercury) [link]
Parada Marana (Incineration of Mercury) [link]
Rasasindura preparation (Method of preparation of Rasasindura) [link]
Shweta Parada bhasma (White bhasma of Mercury) [link]
Parada Peeta bhasma (Yellow bhasma of Mercury) [link]
Parada bhasma (Incineration of Mercury) [link]
Parada sevana (Intake of Mercurial medicaments) [link]
Pathya (Wholesome diet during Mercurial medicine intake) [link]
Apathya (Unwholesome diet and habits) during Rasa sevana (Mercurial medication) [link]
Precautions to be taken during Mercurial medicine intake [link]
Treatment for the Adverse reaction of Mercurial remedies [link]
Treatment to encounter the discomfort caused due to impure Mercury [link]
Ashtavidha Maharasa (Eight major Rasa drugs) [link]
Abhraka (Types of Mica) [link]
Qualities and actions of Mica [link]
Purification of Mica [link]
Dhanyabhraka Vidhi (Microfining of Mica) [link]
Abhraka Bhasmeekarana (Incineration of Mica) [link]
Eighth Method of Abhraka Marana (Shataputa) [link]
Amriteekarana of Abhraka (Nectorization) [link]
Abhraka Satwapatana (Metal extraction from Abhraka) [link]
Purification and Incineration of Metal extracted from Mica [link]
Abhraka Dravana (Liquefication of Mica) [link]
Qualities of Abhraka bhasma [link]
Method of intake of Abhraka bhasma [link]
Ill effect of improperly purified/prepared bhasma [link]
Treatment of the side effects produced by Abhraka bhasma [link]
Unwholesome diet during the Medication with Abhraka bhasma [link]
Vaikranta (Tourmaline) [link]
Purification and Incineration of Vaikranta [link]
Swama Makshika (Copper pyrite) [link]
Ill Effects of impure Copper pyrite intake [link]
Qualities of Copper pyrite [link]
Purification of Copper pyrite [link]
Incineration of Copper pyrite [link]
Liquefication of Metal extracted from Makshika [link]
Vimala (Iron pyrite) [link]
Qualities of Iron pyrite [link]
Purification of Iron pyrite [link]
Vimala Marana (Incineration of Iron pyrite) [link]
Shilajatu (Asphaltum punjabinum/Black bitumen) [link]
Tests for Shilajatu [link]
Purification of Black bitumen [link]
Qualities and uses of Black bitumen [link]
Tuttha (Blue vitriol/Copper sulphate) [link]
Purification of Blue vitriol [link]
Incineration of Blue vitriol [link]
Qualities and utility of Tuttha bhasma [link]
Treatment for the side effects caused by the intake of Blue vitriol [link]
Chapala (Selenium/Bismuth) [link]
Purification of Bismuth/Selenium [link]
Qualities and uses of Bismuth/Selenium [link]
Rasaka (Zinc carbonate) [link]
Types of Rasaka [link]
Qualities and uses of Zinc carbonate [link]
Purification of Zinc carbonate [link]
Incineration of Zinc carbonate [link]
Metal extraction from Zinc carbonate [link]
Side effects caused by the intake of impure Kharpara/Zinc carbonate [link]
Treatment for the side effects caused by the intake of impure Kharpara [link]
Uparasa (Sub-varieties of Rasa) [link]
Gandhaka (Sulphur) [link]
Side effects of impure Sulphur [link]
Purification of Sulphur [link]
Qualities of purified Sulphur [link]
Method to remove the smell of Sulphur [link]
Gairika (Red ochre) [link]
Purification of Red ochre [link]
Qualities and uses of Red ochre [link]
Kaseesa (Green vitriol) [link]
Purification of Green vitriol [link]
Metal extraction from Green vitriol [link]
Qualities and uses of Green vitriol [link]
Sphatika (Alum) [link]
Purification of Alum [link]
Metal extraction from Alum [link]
First Method [link]
Second Method [link]
Qualities and uses of Alum [link]
Haratala (Yellow orpiment) [link]
Types of Yellow orpiment [link]
Side effects of Yellow orpiment [link]
Purification of Yellow orpiment [link]
Qualities of purified Yellow orpiment [link]
Haratala bhasma [link]
Qualities of Haratala bhasma [link]
Metal extraction from Yellow orpiment [link]
Qualities and Vehicle of Haratala Satwa (bhasma) [link]
Qualities of Bagdadi Haratala [link]
Manashila (Red orpiment) [link]
Types of Red orpiment [link]
Side effects of impure Red orpiment [link]
Purification of Red orpiment [link]
Qualities of purified Red orpiment [link]
Metal extraction from Red orpiment [link]
Treatment for the side effects of Red orpiment [link]
Anjana (Collyrium) [link]
Purification of Neelanjana [link]
Purification of Srotonjana [link]
Metal extraction from Anjana [link]
Qualities and uses of Souveeranjana [link]
Preparation of Rasanjana [link]
Purification of Rasanjana [link]
Kankushta (Rhubarb) [link]
Qualities and uses of Rhubarb [link]
Purification of Rhubarb [link]
Extraction of Essence from Rhubarb [link]
Utility of Rhubarb [link]
Sadharana Rasa (Eight drugs of Sadharana group) [link]
Kampillaka (Mallotus philippinensis) [link]
Qualities and uses Mallotus philippinensis [link]
Somala (Arsenic trioxide) [link]
Purification of Arsenic trioxide [link]
Somala bhasma (Incineration of Arsenic trioxide) [link]
Metal extraction from Somala [link]
Navasagara (Ammonium chloride) [link]
Qualities and uses of Navasadara (Ammonium chloride) [link]
Bida lavana (Vit salt) [link]
Kaparda (Cowries) [link]
Purification of Cowries [link]
Incineration of Cowries [link]
Qualities and uses of Cowries [link]
Agnijara (Amber) [link]
Qualities of Ambergris (Agnijara) [link]
Girisindura (Mercuric oxide) [link]
Hingula (Cinnabar) [link]
Types of Cinnabar [link]
Side effects of impure Cinnabar [link]
Purification of impure Cinnabar [link]
Extraction of Mercury from Cinnabar [link]
Qualities of purified Cinnabar [link]
Treatment for the side effects of Cinnabar [link]
Mriddharashringa (Litharge) [link]
General method of purification of Sadharana rasas [link]
Method of purification of Satwas (Extractives) [link]
Qualities and uses of the essence obtained by the Mriddarashringa [link]
Rajavarta (Lapis lazuli) [link]
Purification of Lapis lazuli [link]
Incineration of Lapis lazuli [link]
Extraction of the Metal/Essence from Lapis lazuli [link]
Qualities and uses of Lapis lazuli [link]
Common excipients used in Rasayana yogas [link]
Nagasindura (Lead oxide) [link]
Purification of Lead oxide [link]
Qualities and uses of Lead oxide [link]
Contra indication for the incineration of Nagasindura (Lead oxide) [link]
Tankana kshara (Borax) [link]
Side effects of impure Borax and its purification [link]
Qualities of Borax [link]
Shankha (Conch shell) [link]
Purification and Incineration of Conch shell [link]
Khatika (Chalk) [link]
Qualities of Chalk [link]
Shuktika (Oyster shell) : Types [link]
Qualities of Pearl oyster [link]
Jalashukti (Oyster shell) [link]
Shambuka (Snail shell) [link]
Samudraphena (Cuttle fish bone) [link]
Bola (Commiphora myrrh) [link]
Guggulu (Commiphora mukul/Guggulu resin) [link]
Purification of Guggulu resin [link]
General method of purification of Miscellaneous drugs , [link]
Navaratna (Precious stones/Gems) [link]
Vajra (Diamond) [link]
Side effects of impure Diamond and its purification [link]
Incinerationof Diamond [link]
Qualities of Diamond [link]
Qualities of Heeraka bhasma [link]
Pravala (Coral) [link]
Qualities of Coral [link]
Mouktika (Pearl): Its purification and incineration [link]
Qualities of Pravala bhasma [link]
Qualities of Pearl [link]
Purification of Pearl [link]
Incineration of Pearl and Coral [link]
Liquefication of Pearl [link]
Qualities and uses of Mouktika bhasma [link]
Marakata (Emerald) [link]
Qualities of Emerald [link]
Vaidurya (Cat’s eye) [link]
Qualiteis of Cat’s eye [link]
Gomeda (Hessonite) [link]
Qualities and uses of Hessonite [link]
Manikya (Ruby) [link]
Qualities and uses of Ruby [link]
Neela (Saphire) [link]
Qualities of Saphire [link]
Pushparaga [link]
Qualities of Pushparaga [link]
General method of purification of Gems [link]
Ratna Marana (Incineration of Gems) [link]
Contra indication of incineration of Gems [link]
Purification of Mukta etc. various Gems [link]
Uparatnas (Semi-precious stones) [link]
Substitute drugs [link]
Qualities of Semi-precious stones [link]
Purification and incineration Gems [link]
Liquefication of Gems [link]
Storage of Druti [link]
Wearing the Gems [link]
Navagrahas and their relation with Navaratnas [link]
Visha prakara (Poisons) [link]
Purification of Toxic substances [link]
Purification of Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox) [link]
Incineration of Aconitum ferox [link]
Action and uses of Aconitum ferox [link]
Upavisha (Semi-poisons) [link]
Purification of Semi-poisonous drugs [link]
Purification of Dhattura seeds [link]
Purification of Langali [link]
Purification of Gunja [link]
Purification of Karaveera [link]
Purification of Vishamushti [link]
Purification of Jayapala [link]
Purification of Ahiphena [link]
Purification of Bhanga [link]
Poisonous substances as Rejuvinators [link]
Collection and Preservation of Vatsanabha [link]
Importance of Poisonous substances [link]
Contra indication of Poisonous medicaments [link]
Pathya (Wholesome diet and habits) during Poisonous medicine intake [link]
Dose of Poisonous substances/medicaments [link]
Snake venom [link]
Purification of Snake venom [link]
Extraction of oil from Poisons [link]
Purification of Gorochana (Gopitta/Bile of the Cow) [link]
Tailapatana (Oil extraction) [link]
Dhatturabeeja taila [link]
Kshara nirmana (Preparation of Alkali) [link]
Eight type of Metals [link]
Purification of Metals [link]
Incineration of Metals [link]
Swarna (Gold): Types [link]
Adverse effects of impure Gold [link]
Purification of Gold [link]
Difference of opinion [link]
Qualities of purified Gold [link]
Suvarna bhasma [link]
Qualities of Swarna bhasma [link]
Liquefication of Gold [link]
Importance of Gold [link]
Treatment of side effects caused by Gold [link]
Rajata (Silver) [link]
Side effects of impure Silver [link]
Purification of Silver [link]
Qualities of purified Silver [link]
Incineration of Silver [link]
Qualities of Rajata Bhasma [link]
Liquefication of Silver [link]
Caution during the usage of Silver [link]
Treatment of side effects caused by Administration of Rajata bhasma [link]
Tamra (Copper) [link]
Side effects of improperly prepared Tamra bhasma [link]
Purification of Copper [link]
Incineration of Copper [link]
Third Method : Somanathi Tamra bhasma [link]
Subsidence of the side effects caused by the intake of Tamra bhasma [link]
Qualities and uses of Tamra bhasma [link]
Liquefication of Copper [link]
Treatement for the side effects caused by the intake of Tamra bhasma [link]
Loha (Iron) [link]
Side effects of improperly prepared Loha bhasma [link]
Tests for Magnetic iron (Kanta loha) [link]
Purification of Iron [link]
Incineration of Iron [link]
Third Method : As per Siddha System [link]
Niruttheekarana [link]
Mitrapanchaka [link]
Amriteekarana (Nectorization) 1 ] [link]
Qualities of Loha bhasma [link]
Apathya (Unwholesome food and habits) during the intake of Loha bhasma [link]
Liquefication of Iron [link]
Common rule to be followed during the intake of Loha bhasma [link]
Treatment for the ill effects caused by Loha bhasma [link]
Mandura (Rusted iron) [link]
Intake of Mandura (Rusted iron) 1 [link]
Qulaities of Mandura [link]
Vanga (Tin) [link]
Side effects caused by the intake of improperly prepared Vanga bhasma [link]
Purification of Khuravanga [link]
Purification of Mishraka Vanga [link]
Vanga Marana (Incineration of Tin) [link]
Qualities of Vanga bhasma [link]
Treatment of the side effects caused by Vanga bhasma [link]
Naga (Lead) [link]
Side effects of Lead [link]
Purification of Lead [link]
Incineration of Lead [link]
Qualities of Naga bhasma [link]
Treatment for the side effects caused by Naga bhasma [link]
Types of Jasada (Zinc) [link]
Side effect of improperly prepared Jasada bhasma [link]
Purification of Zinc [link]
Incineration of Zinc [link]
Qualities and uses of Jasada bhasma [link]
Treatment for the side effects caused by Jasada bhasma [link]
Kamsya (Bronze) [link]
Pittala (Brass) [link]
Side effects of improperly prepared Kamsya and Pittala bhasma [link]
Purification and incineration of Bronze and Brass [link]
Purification and incineration of Bronze [link]
Purification and incineration of Brass [link]
Liquefication of Brass [link]
Qualities of Brass and Bronze [link]
Caution Regarding the use of Bronze vessel [link]
Varta loha (German silver) [link]
Purification of German silver [link]
Incineration of German silver [link]
Qualities and uses of German silver [link]
Upadhatu (Sub-metals) [link]
Rasa-Rasayana (Mercurial remedies as Rejuvinators) [link]
Yantra (Instruments and Devices used in Rasashastra) [link]
Dolayantra [link]
Damaru Yantra [link]
Bhoodhara Yantra [link]
Urdhwapatana Yantra (Upward Distillation Apparatus) [link]
Adhahapatana Yantra (Downward Distillation Apparatus) [link]
Hryakpatana Yantra [link]
Patala Yatra (Downward Distillation Apparatus) [link]
Valuka Yantra (Sand bath device)/Lavana Yantra [link]
Kavachi Yantra [link]
Kacchapa Yantra [link]
Tejoyantra/Lambaka Yantra [link]
Puta (Quantum of heat) [link]
Gajaputa [link]
Varaha Puta [link]
Kukkuta Puta [link]
Paribhasha (Glossary of Definitions) [link]
Amla Varga (Group of Sour substances) [link]
Lavana Varga (Group of Salty substances) [link]
Mutravarga (Group of Urines) [link]
Panchaka Varga (Group of five Animal origin products of common usage) [link]
Dravaka Varga (Liquifying agents) [link]
Pitta varga (Group of Biles) [link]
Kshara Varga (Group of Alkalis) [link]
Madhuratraya (Three Sweet substances) [link]
Jala Durbhedya Gana (Water-proof binders) [link]
Mana Paribhasha (Glossary of Measurements) [link]
Jwara Chikitsa (Treatment of Fever) [link]
Sarvajwarahara Chikitsa (Treatment of all kinds of Fever) [link]
Jwaratisara Chikitsa (Treatment of Fever and Diarrhoea) [link]
Atisara Chikitsa (Treatment of Diarrhoea) [link]
Grahani Chikitsa (Treatment of Malabsorption Syndrome) [link]
Arsha Chikitsa (Treatment of Haemorroids) [link]
Agnimandya and Ajeema Chikitsa (Treatment of Indigestion) [link]
Krimiroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Worm infestation) [link]
Panduroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Anaemia) [link]
Raktapitta Chikitsa (Treatment of Bleeding Disorders) [link]
Rajayakshma Chikitsa (Treatment of Emaciating Disorders) [link]
Urakshata Chikitsa (Treatment of Chest injury) [link]
Kasaroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Cough). [link]
Hikka-Shwasa Chikitsa (Treatment of Hic-Cup and Breathlessness) [link]
Shwasa Chikitsa (Treatment of Breathlessness/Asthama) [link]
Swarabheda Chikitsa (Treatment of Hoarseness of Voice) [link]
Arochaka Chikitsa (Treatment of Anorexia) [link]
Cchardi Chikitsa (Treatment of Vomiting) [link]
Trishna Chikitsa (Treatment of Thirst) [link]
Murccha Chikitsa (Treatment of Syncope) [link]
Madatyaya Chikistsa (Treatment of Alcoholic intoxication) [link]
Daha Chikitsa (Treatment of Burning sensation) [link]
Unmada Chikitsa (Treatment of Mania) [link]
Apasmara Chikitsa (Treatment of Epilepsy) [link]
Vataroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Neurological Disorders) [link]
Pittaroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Paittic Disorders) [link]
Kapharoga Chikitsa (Treatment of Kapha related Diseases) [link]
Tridosha Chikitsa (Treatment of Tridoshic Disorders) [link]
Vatarakta Chikitsa (Treatment of Gout) [link]
Urusthambha Chikitsa (Treatment of Numbness of the thigh) [link]
Amavata Chikitsa (Treatment of Rhumatoid Arthritis) [link]
Shoola Chikitsa (Treatment of Abdominal Pain) [link]
Parinamashoola Chikitsa (Treatment of Gastritis) [link]
Annadrava Shoola Chikitsa (Treatment of Hyperchloro-hydrochloria) [link]
Udavarta Chikitsa (Treatment of Gaseous regurgitation) [link]
Gulma Chikitsa (Treatment of Gaseous tumor) [link]
Hridroga Chikitsa (Treatnent of Cardiac disorders) [link]
Mutrakricchra Chikitsa (Treatment of Dysuria) [link]
Mutraghata Chikitsa (Treatment of Obstructed urine) [link]
Ashmari Chikitsa (Treatment of Urinary calculi) [link]
Prameha Chikitsa (Treatment of Urinary diseases) [link]
Medoroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Fat disorders) [link]
Karshya Chikitsa (Treatment of Emaciation) [link]
Udararoga Chikitsa (Treatment of Abdominal disorders) [link]
Pleeha-Yakrit Roga Chikitsa (Treatment of Spleen and Liver disorders) [link]
Shotha Chikitsa (Treatment of Oedema) [link]
Antravriddhi Chikitsa (Treatment of Hemia) [link]
Galaganda-Gandamala-Apachi-Granthi Chikitsa [link]
Arbuda-Shleepada-Vidradhi Chikitsa [link]
Vranaroga Chikitsa (Treatment Wounds) [link]
Bhagandara Chikitsa (Treatment of Fistula) [link]
Upadamsha Chikitsa (Treatment of Chancre) [link]
Kushtaroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Skin diseases) [link]
Sheetapitta Chikitsa (Treatment of Urticarial rashes) [link]
Amlapitta Chikitsa (Treatment of Acid Peptic disorders) [link]
Visarpa-Visphota-Snayuka roga Chikitsa (Treatment of Herpes-Boils and Guinea Worms) [link]
Masurika Chikitsa (Treatment of Meascles) [link]
Kshudraroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Minor diseases) [link]
Mukharoga Chikitsa (Treatment of the diseases of Buccal cavity) [link]
Kamaroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Ear disorders) [link]
Nasaroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Nasal disorders) [link]
Netraroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Eye disorders) [link]
Shiroroga Chikitsa (Treatment of the diseases of Head) [link]
Streeroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Gynaecological disorders) [link]
Yonivyapat Chikitsa (Treatment of Uterine disorders) [link]
Vandhyatwa Chikitsa (Treatment of Sterility) [link]
Garbhini roga Chikitsa (Treatment of the diseases of Pregnancy) [link]
Mudhagarbha Chikitsa (Treatment of Obstucted Labour) [link]
Sootikaroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Purpureal diseases) [link]
Balaroga Chikitsa (Treatment of Childhood diseases) [link]
Visha Chikitsa (Treatment of Poisoning) [link]
Vajeekarana Prayoga (Aphrodisiac treatment) [link]
Rasavikara Chikitsa (Treatment of diseases of Lymphatic system) [link]
Dhatuvada Prakarana (Alchemy) [link]
The herbal drugs referred in Rasachandamshu and their botanical identity and usable parts [link]
The mineral drags and poisonous drags referred in Rasachandamshu [link]
Formulations of Rasachandamshu [link]
Ayurvedic Measurements and their Modern Equivalents [link]
Texts referred in Rasachandamshu [link]

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