Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda
author: Vaidya Bhagwan Dash
edition: 2003, Concept Publishing Company
pages: 236
ISBN-10: 8170220777
ISBN-13: 9788170220770
Topic: Rasashastra
Chapter II - Physico-Chemical and Philosophical Concepts
This page describes Physico-Chemical and Philosophical Concepts which is the second chapter (adhyaya) located on 30 in the book Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda composed by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash. This book exposes the utility of metals and minerals with regards to Ayurveda and Rasashastra (Medicinal alchemy), treating on its origin, history and development, as well as mercury, Ayurvedic recipes and more. This page contains an online preview of the full text and summarizes technical terms, as well as information if you want to buy this book.
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You can look up the meaning of the phrase “Physico-Chemical and Philosophical Concepts” according to 197 books dealing with Hinduism. The following list shows a short preview of potential definitions.
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Significance and concepts of Krama Krama system has triple significance. It is a— Tantric system, Monistic Shaiva system, Emergence of Shakta tendency in Shaiva philosophy. Krama system deals with a synthesis of the Shaiva philosophy, the Shakta esotericism and Tantric concepts of life. It is a fine philosophical system dealing with epistemic and ontological matters and also deals with the esoteric discipline of Spirituality contained in the Tantric culture....
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Concept of Oneness in the Upanishads (study) [by Chandra Shekhar Upadhyaya]
(iii) Astral Body: The Samkhya Philosophical concept of astral body is a concept taken from Prashna Upanishad, where we have found the concept of purusha with sixteen parts. (3) Yoga Philosophy and Upanishads The various concepts of Yoga philosophy can be found in the Shvetashvatara Upanishad....
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[Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda: index]
[About the Author (Vaidya Bhagwan Dash)]
[Introduction (2): Superiority of Mineral Drugs]
[Introduction (3): Distinctive Features]
[Introduction (4): Purpose of processing]