Geographical Descriptions in Visnu Purana
author: Dr. (Mrs) Manjushree Tripathy
edition: 2010, Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati
pages: 404
language: English
ISBN-10: 8170171962
ISBN-13: 9788170171966
Topic: Purana
Summary: This book deals with the geographical descriptions found in the Visnu Purana, which touches almost all branches of modern Geography. It further deals with the geographical knowledge of ancient Indian society with respect to their methodology, approach and accuracy in relation to the system of Modern Geography.
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This book has eight chapters. The first chapter provides an exhaustive introduction to the conceptual background of Puranas as well as the subject matter of geography. The second chapter is ‘Concept of the Universe’ dealing with Universe in terms of its origin, shape, size, etc. of the solar system. The third chapter deals with the concept of the earth in terms of its nomenclature, shape, size as mentioned in Visnu Purana. The fourth chapter deals with concept of atmosphere. The fifth chapter describes seven insular dvipas and seven samudras. The sixth chapter deals with the regional account of the Puranic Jambudvipa with respect to her nine Varsas, major mountains, major rivers and lakes. The seventh chapter concerns with the regional account of Puranic Bharatavarsa. The last chapter deals with the summary and conclusions of the entire work.
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Contents of this online book (index):
The full text of the Geographical Descriptions in Visnu Purana in English can be quickly summarized in the following table of contents. Becaue these pages are not available to read online, I would recommend you buy the book.
I Introduction 1
Preliminary Considerations 1
Importance of the Visnu Purana 11
Date of the Visnu Purana 16
Trend and Statusquo of Researches on Puranas 18
Selection of the Topic 25
Aims and Objectives 28
Scope and Limitations 30
Database and Methodology 33
Organisation of the Study 35
II Concept of the Universe 47
General Character of Puranic Cosmology 48
Creation of the Puranic Universe or Brahmanda 57
Cosmic Nucleus and Primary Creation 59
Cosmic Cycles and Secondary Creation 63
Geographical Views vis-a-vis Origin of the Earth 67
Sphere of the Universe 72
Celestial Bodies 83
The Solar System 90
The Sun and the Planets 94
The Sun and its Significance 97
The Sun - the Source of Light and Radiation 99
The Rays of the Sun (Surya-rasmi) 100
Sapta-devas in the Surya Mandala 102
Origin of the Moon and its Light 104
Phases of the Moon (Candra-kala) 107
Eclipses (Grahana and Paraga) 108
Conclusion 112
III Concept of the Earth 119
Shape 121
Size and Extension 124
Age 126
Cardinal Points and Directions 127
The Apparent Motions of the Sun 130
Diurnal Apparent Motion 131
Apparent Annual Motion 137
Divisions of Time (Kala) 145
The Surface of the Earth 147
Evolution and Composition of the Earth’s Surface 149
Earthquake 157
Sea and Oceanic Phenomena 159
Conclusion 162
IV Concept of the Atmosphere 168
Extent and Structure 169
Insolation and Temperature 172
Season (Rtu) 175
Clouds and Rainfall 180
Other Atmospheric Phenomena 192
Snow and Glacier 193
Winds 195
Cyclone (Cakravata) 197
Conclusion 199
V Puranic Continents and Oceans 206
Shape and Arrangement 207
Size 208
Nomenclature 213
Varsas, Major Mountains and Major Rivers 214
Puranic Continents and Oceans on the System ofModern Geography 217
Conclusion 243
VI Geography of Jambudvipa 250
Varsas (Countries) 250
Parvatas (Mountains) 255
Analysis and Identification of the Mountains 261
Rivers and Lakes 276
Analysis and Identification of the Rivers and Lakes 280
Conclusion 288
VII Bharatavarsa 296
Nomenclature 296
Shape, Size and Dimension 299
Regional Divisions 300
Puranic Bharata or Kumarika Khanda 309
Mountains 310
Rivers 318
Janapadas or Communities 323
Conclusion 330
VIII Summary and Conclusion 336
Major Findings 341
Conclusion 355
Appendix 363
Bibliography 370