2021: Volume 10, July issue 8 < Previous (index) Next > Last Updated: 18 July, 2024 | Posted in: Science - Sub-Contents: (+ / -) Antimicrobial properties of endophytic fungi from Spondias mombin. The incidence of prostate carcinoma and its grading Acetone's effects on erythrocyte membrane and hemoglobin in blood. A multidisciplinary approach on congenitally missing teeth Vitamin D levels in children with sickle cell disease, Jazan, KSA. Incidence of papillary thyroid carcinomas in basrah city Phytochemical and antimicrobial study of Cucumeropsis and Irvingia extracts Prostatic lesions: A histopathological study in Iraqi males. Solid SMEDDS of amitriptyline using Aerosil 200 as carrier. Prescription patterns for elderly psychiatric outpatients in S. Karnataka. Cognitive impairment assessment in type 2 diabetes patients. Needle tenotomy for Ponseti treatment of clubfoot. Evaluation of status of serum electrolytes w.r.t. virechana karma in psoriasis Synthesis and in-vitro biological evaluation of bezimidazole derivative Physico-chemical and phytochemical analysis of Pithecellobium leaves Anticancer activity of santonin by molecular docking method Efficacy of Nisha Lauha Vati post-Virechana in iron deficiency anemia. Transferosomes: Innovative Systems for Enhanced Transdermal Drug Delivery Pea seed viability changes from Pseudomonas syringae infection. Single case study-role of haridradi mukhalepa anubhuta yoga in cosmetology Cyclizine HCl orodispersible tablet with new excipients development. Impact of integrated disease and drug management in COPD patients "Method development and validation for amitriptyline analysis via UV" Formulation and evaluation of paracetamol effervescent tablet Study of Vidangadi Loha vs. Gud Haritaki for Kaphaj Pandu Anemia RCT on Nishalauham for Pandu Roga focusing on hematological criteria. Phytochemical, TLC, and antimicrobial study of Randia spinosa fruits. Physicochemical and phytochemical study of Ashoka (Saraca asoca). Postpartum IUD insertion expulsion frequency Surgical vs. Medical Management of Caries Spine: A Comparative Study Frequency of deranged LFT in falciparum malaria at Bolan Medical College. Discrepancies in methods for evaluating mineral trioxide aggregate’s handling Outcome of rubber band ligation for third-degree hemorrhoids at CMH Mangla RP-HPLC method for dexlansoprazole in bulk and capsules. Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism at bims hospital, belagavi Quality assessment of rathulūnu thailaya The importance of fermented plant extract for anti aging in cosmetics product Coenzyme Q10 as adjunct in periodontal care for Type II diabetes. Solubility enhancement of piroxicam by mixed hydrotropy technique Study on safety and efficacy of paracetamol, phenylephrine, and chlorpheniramine in kids with cold. Nurses' knowledge and practice in post-op pain assessment and management. A comparative study in the management of fistula in ano Covid-19 vaccine competence for nigerian environment Overview on biotechnology Acetone in the body: health and disease presence. Acetone degradation by ozone/peroxide and diabetes mellitus: a hypothesis. Effect of Andrographis and Ginger on serum lipid in Wistar rats. Comparison of l-asparaginase purification methods for leukemia therapy The role of the pharmacist in oncological patient safety A critical review on drug dosage in kaumarbhritya Probable mode of action of siravedha Amavata or rheumatoid arthritis (an ayurvedic review) Role of jalaukavcharana in netrarogas Ginger- the herb with a zing Pharmacoeconomics and its impact on ayushman bharat projects in rural india An overview on metformin use anticancer drug theraphy Review of nmr spectroscopy Reviewing the significance of prescription auditing and patterns. Recent advances in ayurveda Review on shramahara drugs describe in various brihatrayi and nighantus Epilepsy in children andamp; itand#039;s ayurvedic prospective Conceptual review on aarta-vaha strotas with special reference to strotodushti Role of karapas beej in shukraalpata w.s.r. to oligospermia Design of experiments for analytical method and validation Review of dhaula phindawri: folklore remedy for urinary stones. A review on black fungi clinical and pathogenic and post covid complicationd A review on breast cancer and its management Literature study of toxic herbs in sushrut samhita Organogels: Advancements in Drug Delivery Systems and Applications Pattern of bicarbonate in patients on maintenance hemodialysis A critical review on kala sharir w.s.r to mamsadhara kala Concept of aahar according to prakriti for longevity Myristica fragrans (houtt) Role of mucuna pruriens in the management of parkinson’s disease Historical background of cannabis sativa An overview on principle, diagnosis and treatment of ayurveda Psorolin B: a new approach for psoriasis treatment and homeostasis. Yagya a holistic approch for treating covid-19 conditions– a classical review A review on microneedles Review on acute onset still disease Role of clinical pharmacist in critical care areas Dendrimer Architecture: Advancements and Applications in Drug Delivery Agni; - prime factor for longevity Literary review of patha and stanyashodhana in Samhita. Radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear pharmacy: therapeutic healthcare applications. Review on drug dosage in kaumarbhritya Post covid-19 pandemic mental health challenges Review of agnikarma in chikitsa of arshas Orbital vessel hemodynamics in diabetic retinopathy via Doppler imaging Anatomical and physiological study of shukra dhatu Dantasharkara w.s.r to dental calculus and its ayurvedic management Post coronavirus disease mucormycosis Review article on kukkutanda twaka bhasma A review article on pathya kalpana w.s.r.to ashtaguna manda Cell organelle modulations by molecular crowding effects. Nanostructured lipid carriers for various drug delivary systems Neurological manifestation of covid-19 Characterization and Properties of Phosphodiesterase Families Study of shadchkara and marama: a clinico-anatomical overview. Recent trends in prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases Ayurvedic review on jara and its management through classical approach Incidence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in dissimilar inhabitants Comprehensive review on physiological effects of eugenol NSAID use in COVID-19 patients A review on rasayana karma of jeevanti Ayurvedic aspect of pelvic organ prolapse- a review Overview of Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Ion exchange chromatography and its applications Biological activity determination of human chorionic gonodotropin in wistar rats Antimicrobial properties of dushivishari agad and its ingredients Simplified treatment for diversified fistula in ano Panduroga described in bruhatrayis Herbal Medicines: A Review of Hepatoprotective Agents and Models Efficacy of nimbapatra gel and L-P vati on episiotomy wound healing A review article on vicharchika w.s.r to eczema A review on stem cell therapy in treatment of different disease Pharmacological activities of ocimum sanctum (tulsi) Immunity booster herbs against coronavirus A review on covid-19 pandemic outbreak Review on ekakustha (psoriasis) and its management Spices- an alternative therapy for cancer treatment A review study on evaluation of dental products Ayurvedic Practices for Enhancing Immunity: A Comprehensive Review Conceptual study of parisheka An overview on vidang (e. ribes) Literary study of madhumeha (diabetes) in Ayurvedic classics. A bird eye view on meda andamp; jaghana vivechan in ayurveda classic Literary review of pittaja yonivyapad (vaginitis) Swasthya panchkarma – a critical review Pandughna drugs of bhavprakash nighantu Critical view on hridaya as site for pranavaha andamp; rasavaha strotas Ayurvedic review on rogi pariksha siddhant in short India's regulatory systems for heavy metals in ASU drugs. Dhatri- an updated review A conceptual review on vaikrant Pharmacognistic andamp; pharmalogical of traditional medicinal plant Importance of shodhana chikitsa in vata vyadhi Introduction of gangrene and it’s management in shalya tantra-a review article Nidan panchaka according to ayurveda –a review article Shodhana chikitsa in vata vyadhi according to kayachikitsa Management of exfoliative dermatitis by an ayurvedic regimen- ap case study Basti and shaman chikitsa in gridhrasi (sciatica) management: case study. Skene’s gland cyst Management of diabetic wound (dushta vrana) with jatyadi ghrita – a case report Case report – role of virechana karma in kitibh w.s.r. psoriasis Efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment for vatakantaka (plantar fasciitis) "Exploratory study on Manovaha Strotas in Twach Aroga: A Case Study" Management of gridhrasi, with special reference to sciatica, through panchakarma Effect of brimhana nasya karma in the management of avabahuka – a case study