2019: Volume 8, December issue 13 < Previous (index) Next > Last Updated: 18 July, 2024 | Posted in: Science - Sub-Contents: (+ / -) Enhancing partner support and interaction in improving smoking cessation Fentanyl vs. morphine efficacy in trauma patients in emergency care Multidisciplinary Approach in Treating Female Genital Cancers: A Study Genetic variations of the TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor gene. Hematological and biochemical status in male blood donors by age. Endoscopic ligation vs. sclerotherapy for esophageal variceal bleed. The role of antipyretics in preventing febrile seizure recurrence. Periportal fibrosis in schistosomiasis Study of factors influencing solvent effect and peak shape in RP-HPLC Paramedical staff attitudes on drug addiction in Baghdad, Iraq. Tilia cordata: An Effective Inhibitor of Bacterial Growth and Biofilms Efficacy of tranexamic acid in reducing hemorrhage in orthopedics Antibiotics vs. surgery for uncomplicated appendicitis treatment Effectiveness of exercise-based rehab in coronary heart disease patients Predicting atrophic gastritis risk using serum pepsinogen Risk factors of kidney damage at patients with rheumatoid arthritis Analysis of indicators for optimizing icteric cholestasis therapy Adipose-derived stem cells in rat muscular dystrophy treatment studies. In-vivo antidiabetic activity of ficus polita bark extracts Retrospective study of antimalarial drug use in Nigeria hospital Cerebral embolic protection during transcatheter aortic valve replacement (tavr) Myopia as a Risk Factor for Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Meta-Analysis In vivo study of Withania somnifera extract on diabetic rats In vivo study of Swertia chirata's anti-diabetic effect in rats. Impact of counseling and pharmacists on hemodialysis patients' QoL Study on antiepileptic drugs Analgesic activity of Naaga Sangu Parpam in mice via Eddy's method. RP-HPLC method for ivacaftor and tezacaftor in solid dosage forms. RP-HPLC method for Amlodipine and Telmisartan estimation. Method development and validation of everolimus by using rp-hplc Validated RP-HPLC method for ivercitin and albendazole estimation. Synthesis and evaluation of 41-methyl chalcones for analgesic effects. Effectiveness of varma techniques in azhal keel vaayu pain management. Eval of drug therapy in CKD stage 3-5 at a tertiary hospital Comparative study of mahabhautika in pugaphala and udumbara twak. Efficacy and safety of Unani therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Scientific validation of siddha herbomineral formulation linga mathirai Design evaluation of expression vectors for CHO-expressed mAbs. Development of stable formulation of travoprost ophthalmic solution 0.004% Diuretic and electrolyte effects of Hemigraphis colorata in rats. Pharmacognostical study on market samples of mustaka Sustained-release tablet prep with natural gum as retardant. Homology modeling of tyrosinase using computational biology tools. Herbal Myristica Fragrans Cream for Atopic Dermatitis Evaluation Validated UPLC/Q-TOF-MS for antihypertensive drug analysis Synthesis of 2-(3,4-dichlorobenzoyl)benzoic acid hydrazides and antimicrobial assessment. Comparison of jalaukavacharna and eladi gana lepa for vyanga. Trial on amalaki impact on quality of life in type 2 diabetes patients. Medication safety analysis of high-alert drugs in a teaching hospital. Study of Mashadi Taila Nasya in Manya Stambha per Sharangdhar Samhita. Atenolol buccal patches using Caesalpinia and tamarind polymers. Kalyana ksharam's effect on urolithiasis in rats with AG and NH4Cl. In vitro thrombolytic and anti-arthritic activity of homalomena aromatica leaves Effect of mercuric chloride on dehydrogenase in Labeo rohita. Cellulase extraction, purification, and characterization from Trichoderma T5. Trial on polyherbal formulation Panheal for type II diabetes. Uterine peroxidase activity during preimplantation period in rat A study on lymphadenopathy like disorders as described in ayurveda Meta-analysis of psoriasis and cardiovascular risk factors Design development and in-vitro evaluation controlled release tablets Sputum bacteriology and antibiotic sensitivity in pneumonia cases. Comparison of Shankhadi and Madhu Anjana in corneal opacity management. Pilot study on Moringa oleifera for child malnutrition (3-10 years). Vitamin C's effect on platelet count in dengue treatment. A pathophysiological study of swedavaha srotas Can physiotherapy prevent contralateral TKR after unilateral TKR? Study on eraka churna for treating bleeding piles (raktarsha). Interests of transfontanellar ultrasound in the diagnosis of hydrocephalus Transphenoidal encephalocele in an adult RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of ceftolozane and tazobactam. Evaluation of edible oils' anti-diabetic effects on alloxan rats. Nephroprotective effects of coriander leaf juice in kidney injury. Assessment of drug interaction knowledge in Alula's healthcare staff. HPLC method development and degradation studies for vortioxetine. RP-HPLC method for estimating riociguat in bulk and dosage forms. Glycemic control and complications in T2DM with/without thyroid issues. Co morbidity between psychiatric diseases and addiction disorders Efficacy of Udumbar Siddha Ghruta with Ksharsutra for Bhagandara. Isolation and identification of bacillus thuringiensis by biochemical method Breast cancer screening campaign of 2017 at al-mouwasat university hospital Toxicological study of thiriloga chendooram in Wistar rats. Physician burnout and subject safety, professionalism, and satisfaction Study of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and lymph node involvement. Risperidone agglomerates for improved absorption: formulation and evaluation. Efficacy and Safety of Antidepressants in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence of Bacterial Meningitis in Children with Febrile Seizures Meta-analysis of osteoporosis drug treatments and mortality rates. Vitamin D's impact on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. Safety of Prophylactic Intra-Operative Wound Irrigation for SSIs Meta-Analysis of Lifestyle Interventions for Childhood Obesity Efficacy of Pedometer-Based Walking Interventions on Weight Loss Lung ultrasound in diagnosis of pneumonia in emergency department Meta-Analysis of Peripheral Arterial Tonometry in Diagnosing OSA Effects of Early Low-Dose Aspirin on Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women Impact of Oral Mechanical Bowel Preparation on Colorectal Surgery Outcomes Proton Pump Inhibitors and Their Role in Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Peer support interventions for hba1c outcomes of patients with diabetes Efficacy of Problem-Solving Therapy for Depression and Anxiety in Primary Care Meta-Analysis of Bariatric Surgery Outcomes in Obese Adolescents Geographical Epidemiology of Pediatric Functional Abdominal Pain Efficacy of Automated Office Blood Pressure vs. Routine Measurement in HTN Isolation and structure of a triterpene from Ficus sycomorus bark. Impact of Vitamin D Deficiency on Cognitive Functions and Dementia Evaluation of prescription practices at Capiatá children's hospital Overview on the biological role of free radicals Inguinal hernia recurrence: Lichtenstein managed by TAPP feasible? Neurocysticercosis is disabling Efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants vs. placebo in depression. Interventions to reduce physician burnout Ayurvedic management in rajaswala paricharya A conceptual review of kaphaja yoni vyapad (non specific valvo vaginitis) A fundamental review on ‘cleaning validation andamp; cleaning procedure’ Efficacy of virechan in yakrut vikaras - a conceptual study Impact of radiopharmaceutical on health Critical analysis of panchakosha theory of yoga philosophy Regulations of e-pharmacy in india Nasal drug delivery system Review article on indian mallow plant A complete review on alcohol dependence Unravelling the samprapti of kushta – a review Orodispersible Tablets: Innovative Delivery for Anti-Psoriatic Drugs Medicinal plants used in the treatment of skin diseases Analysis of raktavaha sroto mula in essential hypertension. Alternative medicines in periodontics Rasayana as a unique therapy of ayurveda Yograja guggul- a guggulu formulation Analytical study on hypothyroidism w.s.r to adhishthana antarani "Pharmacognostic and HPTLC profile of Colocasia esculenta." A clinical evaluation of panchavalkala - a review article 3-d printing technology Brief review on dant dhavan according to brihatrayi w.s.r. to toothpaste "Ayurveda Management of Aamvata in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Review" Emerging nanotechnologies in dentistry Pharmaceutical and analytical study of yastimadhuk tail An updated review on transethosomes Folliculitis: Causes, Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Options Analytical study on sleep (nidra), defining sleep health Understanding Ganglion Cysts: Formation, Symptoms, and Treatment Options A critical review on medicinal plant anisomeles indica (linn.) Role of cpp-acp in preventing white spot lesions – a short review Polycystic ovarian syndrome; a functional disorder of ovary The human microbiota and evolving therapeutic potential Bacteriology and clinical profile of pneumonia in a tertiary hospital Ahara parinamakar bhava Comprehensive approaches of matra basti Ayurvedic management of YuvanaPidika (acne vulgaris) study. Conceptual study of kizhi - arka patra sweda in visha chikitsa Role of kalka in the management of dustavrana Effect of ubhaya shodhana and rasayana karma in ekakushta/ plaque psoriasis Liquisolid Technique: Enhancing Solubility of Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs Shirish (albizia lebbeck (l.) benth.) a drug review Physiological understanding of avasthapaka Major depression disorder Nutrients for treatment and prevention of eye diseases – a review A review article on pre-eclampsia and eclampsia Review of diwaswapna's role in disease causation and management. The evolution of the role of a clinical data manager A comprehensive review on biosimilars Bilayer tablet formulation, evaluation, and stability of metformin and linagliptin. Progeria or hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome [hgps] Study of kutaja on hyperlipidemia and medodushti effects. Ideal ayurvedic food in all season Vidhivarjita nidra and avyayama in apathya nimittaja prameha. Overview of Ayurvedic samtol-aahar and balanced diet in modern science. A critical review on hyperlipideaemias from ayurvedic perspective Enhancing Drug Solubility through Solid Dispersion Techniques Overview of Kaas Vyadhi in Ayurveda vs. modern cough symptoms. A review on healing property of alkaloids in plants Case Study: Ayurvedic Treatment of Bilateral Shoulder Joint Pain Efficacy of viddhakarma in the management of lumbar spondylosis – a case study Study on 'samshodhanotta lepa chikitsa' for dadru management. Panchakarma's role in managing Madhumeha: A case study. A case report of scrub typhus at a tertiary care hospital, bangalore Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis: A case report from a Bangalore hospital. Loss of vision following a dental procedure- a case study Suprarenal artery variations: case study on origins and anatomy. Effective Ayurvedic Treatment of Amavata: A Case Study Analysis Management of gridhrasi (sciatica) through ayurvedic therapy - a case report Ayurvedic management of vaginal cyst (gartner cyst) Ayurvedic management of vitiligo (shwitra) A case report on obstetric brachial plexus palsy Efficacy of Matra Basti in Sigmoid Colon Vascular Ectasia: Case Report Cranio-cerebral injury in a child from an iron at university hospital Role of ayurveda in management of dadru kusth (fungal infection- tinea) Siddha medicine manegment in calcaneal spur (kuthingal vaatham) - a case study