Ayurvedic management of diabetic wound: A case study
Journal name: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
Original article title: Ayurvedic management of diabetic wound: A case study
The Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM) promotes Ayurvedic scientific research by offering a platform for in-depth exploration and integration of its principles into modern healthcare. JAHM is owned and published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications. Atreya Ayurveda Publications engaged in scientific publications on Ayurveda in the form of print books and ebooks since 2007.
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Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine:
Full text available for: Ayurvedic management of diabetic wound: A case study
Year: 2024 | Doi: 10.70066/jahm.v12i1.1260
Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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Diabetic patients are vulnerable to develop non healing ulcers. Treatment modilities like conservative, good diabetic control, wound toileting seem to be incomplete by looking at prevalence rate of amputation in diabetic patients. This case management of diabetic foot ulcer in 65 years male. Complete wound healing was achieved in 30 to 40 days with unit healing time (UHT) of 5.88 days/cumm. Local cleaning by Triphala Kwatha has showed antimicrobial effect which augmented the healing process while Vranshodhak Taila application enhanced tissue debridement. Internal Ayurveda medication like Arogyavardhini vati and Rakta pachak yog with pathya-apathya (prescribed diet and regimen) pacified vitiated kapha-vata pradhan Tridosha and enhanced tissue rejuvenation and repair by their pharmacological properties.
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Shalyatantra, Tridosha, Pathyapathya, Medicated oil, Foul smell, Surgical intervention, Herbal medicine, Wound healing, Panchakarma therapies, Arogyavardhini Vati, Ayurvedic Management, Case study, Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Oral medication, Shodhan properties, Wound debridement, Diabetic control, Pus discharge, Madhumehajanya Dushtavrana, Shodhan and ropan, Antiseptic dressing, Clinical finding, Patient Outcome.