Literary review on Dhoopana Karma quoted in various ayurvedic classics for the management of pain and inflammation

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Journal name: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
Original article title: Literary review on Dhoopana Karma quoted in various ayurvedic classics for the management of pain and inflammation
The Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM) promotes Ayurvedic scientific research by offering a platform for in-depth exploration and integration of its principles into modern healthcare. JAHM is owned and published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications. Atreya Ayurveda Publications engaged in scientific publications on Ayurveda in the form of print books and ebooks since 2007.

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Vidyalakshmi Vidyalakshmi
Prof & HOD, Department of Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhanta, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College and Hospital Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka 574118.

Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine:

Full text available for: Literary review on Dhoopana Karma quoted in various ayurvedic classics for the management of pain and inflammation

Year: 2024 | Doi: 10.70066/jahm.v12i1.1249

Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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Summary of article contents:


Dhoopana Karma (fumigation therapy) is mentioned in various scriptures of Ayurveda as Rakshoghna Karma (protective action) to prevent and cure diseases. It is less practiced for pain management in Ayurveda, whereas it is widely practiced in the Chinese Medicine System. Dhoopana Karma can be used effectively when there is involvement of Kapha Dosha along with Vata Dosha, where Kleda (discharge) is more. But in Ayurvedic classics, we get very few references regarding Dhoopana Karma as Chikitsa for Shoola (pain). Sukshma Srotogamitva (subtle channel penetration) of Dhoopana Dravya (fumigating substance) is due to Akasha, Vayu, and Agni Mahabhoota. Hence, they possess properties like Kledaghna (reduces discharge), Shoolaghna (pain-alleviating), Vranaropaka (wound-healing), and Shothahara (anti-inflammatory), etc. Dhoopana Karma also improves blood circulation, which helps to reduce pain and inflammation. In this article, an attempt is made to understand the anti-inflammatory action of Dhoopana Karma mentioned in various Ayurvedic treatises.

Key wordsDhoopana, Shoolahara, Shothahara, Pain and inflammation.

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Amavata, Kleda, Vrana, Shothahara, Vatadosha, Kaphadosha, Pain and inflammation, Pain management, Psychological Issues, Bahirparimarjana chikitsa, Shoola, Anti-inflammatory action, Dhoopana Karma, Dhoopana Dravya, Kledaghna, Shoolaghna, Vranaropaka, Acupuncture.

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