Post-stroke depression and its management by Basti therapy: An overview

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Journal name: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
Original article title: Post-stroke depression and its management by Basti therapy: An overview
The Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM) promotes Ayurvedic scientific research by offering a platform for in-depth exploration and integration of its principles into modern healthcare. JAHM is owned and published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications. Atreya Ayurveda Publications engaged in scientific publications on Ayurveda in the form of print books and ebooks since 2007.

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Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine:

Full text available for: Post-stroke depression and its management by Basti therapy: An overview

Year: 2023 | Doi: 10.70066/jahm.v11i3.774

Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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Summary of article contents:

A stroke is defined as a sudden disruption in blood flow to the brain, which causes thrombotic, embolic, or hemorrhagic events that permanently damage brain tissue. Mood depression is a common and significant side effect of a stroke. Epidemiological studies have shown that more than 30% of stroke patients experience depression, either immediately or later after the stroke. The phrase 'Niyantah praneta cha manasa' is used in Ayurvedic writings to indicate that vata is the controller of manas. Both the pakshaghata (stroke) and the avsada (depression) caused by vata dosha vitiation fall under the category of vataja vyadhis in Post-stroke depression. Acharya Charaka stated in 'Bastihi Vataharanam' that basti is the most effective vata dosha remedy. The Basti drug first reaches Pakvashaya, the Vata dosha's main site. Thus, by acting on the primary site, Basti gains control of Vata throughout the body.

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Mana, Abhyanga, Pakshaghata, Vatadosha, Heart disease, Clinical investigation, Quality of life, Ayurvedic literature, Basti therapy, Psychosocial factors, Ayurveda Text, Enteric Nervous System, Somatic Disease, Post-stroke depression, Stroke patients, Cerebrovascular illness, Pathophysiological mechanisms, Vata dosha vitiation, Major depressive episodes, Bacterial flora, Vataja Vyadhi, Ayurvedic writing, Mood Disorder.

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