Conceptual study of role of simhasyadi kvatha in vatarakta
Journal name: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
Original article title: Conceptual study of role of simhasyadi kvatha in vatarakta
The Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM) promotes Ayurvedic scientific research by offering a platform for in-depth exploration and integration of its principles into modern healthcare. JAHM is owned and published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications. Atreya Ayurveda Publications engaged in scientific publications on Ayurveda in the form of print books and ebooks since 2007.
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Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine:
Full text available for: Conceptual study of role of simhasyadi kvatha in vatarakta
Year: 2017 | Doi: 10.70066/jahm.v5i1.34
Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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Summary of article contents:
Vatarakta is disease caused due to separate vitiation of vata & rakta. Gati of aggravated vata is obstructed in its passage by dushit rakta (Impure blood) which ultimately generates Vatarakta. Etiological factors of Vatarakta, are responsible for vataprakop and raktadushti & also for its signs & symptoms. Simhasyadi kwath is combination of Raktaprasadak & Raktashodhak (Blood purifiers) and also vatashamak, vatanulomalk
(Removes aggravated vata from body) dravyas. This decoction helps in vatarakta to remove raktadushti
(impurities in blood), srotovibandh (Blokages in srotas) and also causes vatashaman. Simhasyadi kvatha
relieves symptoms by raktashodhan, raktaprasadan and vatashaman. vasa removes toxins, stickiness of rakta, increases circulation, does raktaprasadan & shodhan. Hingu does shodhan & shaman of strotolipta kleda
(Stickiness in srotas). Laghupanchamula are vata-pitta shamak when combined, hence responsible for vatashaman & raktagata pitta shaman. Erandamul is Vrishya and vatahara, hence does vatashaman. Erand tail, also primarily vatanashak and also virechan (laxative) i.e. raktagata pittashodhak. Amruta is best rasayan
(rejuvenation). It acts as raktashodhan & raktaprasadan by tikta, kashay rasa. Saindhava is srotovivarankar
(Cleaning of srotas) & anuloman by lavan rasa, & prasadak by tikta rasa & sheeta virya. simhasyadi kvatha is effective in vatarakta.
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Raga, Hingu, Daha, Saindhava, Kandu, Paka, Vasa, Vasaka, Vatarakta, Shotha, Tridosha, Gokshura, Laghupanchamula, Vatadosha, Rasayan, Shool, Shoth, Shodhan, Amruta, Etiological factor, Raktadushti, Raktashodhak, Raktaprasadak, Vatashamak, Vatashaman, Erand tail, Vata dushti, Karmukatva, Twakavaivarnya, Sandhigraha, Vatanuloman, Dushit rakta, Symptoms of Vatarakta.
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