A literary review on concepts of deepana and pachana
Journal name: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
Original article title: A literary review on concepts of deepana and pachana
The Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM) promotes Ayurvedic scientific research by offering a platform for in-depth exploration and integration of its principles into modern healthcare. JAHM is owned and published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications. Atreya Ayurveda Publications engaged in scientific publications on Ayurveda in the form of print books and ebooks since 2007.
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Bhavya BS
MD Scholar, Dept. of Basic Principles, SDMCAH, Udupi (India)
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine:
Full text available for: A literary review on concepts of deepana and pachana
Year: 2014 | Doi: 10.70066/jahm.v2i7.198
Copyright (license): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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Summary of article contents:
Background: Treatment in Ayurveda is multifaceted, at sometimes it addresses the importance of Shodhana and in other context the Upakramas like Shamana play a major role. For either of such selection the state of Doshas, it’s
Anubandha, Sthana etc. play crucial role. Deepana and Pachana have equal importance in both the sectors of treatment.
The vague understanding of the terms and its application may yield many complications. Through this paper the differences between Deepana and Pachana on literary and applicative grounds are considered, to clear up the dogma that exists as they are one and the same. Aims and Objectives: To critically analyze the concepts of Deepana and Pachana. Materials and Methods: In Ayurvedic classics the concepts of Deepana and Pachana are available in scattered manner; hence this study was designed to analyze both the technical terms and its differences in clinical application becomes pivotal interest. Conclusion: Deepana Karma is limited only to Agni-Deepthi. Pachana does both Ama Pachana and Agni Deepana and are mainly Ruksha Dravyas.
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Samana, Shodhana, Rasa, Agni, Ama, Langhana, Vyayama, Matra, Vishamagni, Mandagni, Anupana, Purvakarma, Arochaka, Chikitsa, Chikitsakalika, Treatment modalities, Shamana Therapy, Hypo functioning of Agni, Ama Pachana, Langhana Chikitsa, Climatic Factors, Deepana Karma, Pachana Kashaya, Deepana and Pachana, Shodhana Chikitsa, Swaasthya, Agni and Ama, Nirama Lakshana, Shamana therapies, Ayurvedic classic, Sama roga, Ruksha Dravya, Purvakarma procedure.